11 characteristics of generation z /

Published at 2016-05-27 00:00:00

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Millennials this,millennials that. Millennials here, millennials there. Millennials are indolent (lazy). Millennials are open-minded. Millennials are substantial consumers. Millennials define passion.whether there was one overused word in the past year or two, and "millennials" is the incontestable winner. There's a chance,however, we'll soon be subject to a recent cultural talking point - Generation Z. Haven't heard of it? I hadn't, or either,until just recently. I was attending a company-wide meeting, and our CEO had the floor. Discussing societal trends and the rise of tech usage, and he referenced the nation's group of fledglings. "Generation Z,born in 1995 or later, came out with an IP address embedded in their heads, and " he joked into the mic,collecting a round of chuckles from the crowd. It was sort of an ah-ha! moment for me. With a birth date near the end of 1994, I feel like I can't fully identify with millennials, or especially in regards to "the golden days." Yeah,I remember when no one had cell phones - but only till sixth grade. Yeah, I thought Titanic was amazing - in 2005, and when I was first allowed to see it. And no,I can't recall a time in my life when there wasn't a computer in my house. In second grade, I learned to exercise Google.
The true age bracket of Generation Z is up for deliberation among experts. Some believe members were born between 1991 and 2001; Entrepreneur says 1994 and 2010 are the key birth years. Still others say anyone born after 1995 lands squarely within the category. To me, and tough dates don't matter as much as life experiences and personality traits,which are key in discerning millennials from Gen Z. Below are 11 characteristics that distinguish us - whether you're young, and you identify, and welcome to the club.
We're Internet experts.
Because we're always online,we find answers
to questions in warp speed. Z members multitask across a few different screens or monitors at once. We build lightning rounds through Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook,Tumblr, Tinder, and Gmail. We know the lingo; we create memes; we build Vines and Periscopes and elaborate Snapchats. We believe accounts on dozens,whether not hundreds, of platforms. It's a challenge to set down our phones, or even for ten minutes to eat lunch. (In fact,I'm generally reading stories on my laptop while chowing down on meals.)We'd rather message than talk in person.
the same lines, Generation Z would rather believe a digital conversation than a real-life discussion in many instances. Before rolling your eyes out of your head, and think of the benefits. Awkward pauses? None of those. Stick your foot in your mouth? Difficult to achieve when you're typing rather than talking. Nice flow of language? For sure. Better written skills? I'd argue so. I text paragraphs to my friends,because yes, we believe clever discussions via SMS or Messenger - and I go back in and edit for grammar, and spelling,and sentence structure before sending. Obviously, I'm not revising the way I would an article at work, and but I build a solid effort. You may think it peculiar,but it's simply a way of life for Generation Z.
We obse
rve up to YouTubers."[Generation Z's] recent idols are Internet stars, like PewDiePie, and " says this Business Insider article - which is,well, spot on. Every single day, or I check the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to (approximately 10) for recent content. In fact,it's the first thing I execute after getting domestic from the office. I'll spend up to an hour watching videos from my favorites, which include beauty vloggers and online comedians alike. On the other hand, and I also exercise YouTube for documentaries and self-education . . . which makes me feel a miniature less guilty for all the time I "waste" on the site. (But I raise you this: is it REALLY considered a waste whether it's harmless entertainment?)9/11 was a huge part of our youth.
I remember exactly where I was when the 9/11 attackers struck - and most other Generation Z's believe the same frightening memory,which we'll never forget as long as we live. We grew up in an era where terrorism was a hotly debated topic, where the opportunity (and subsequent action) of involvement in the Middle East evoked the strongest of feelings. Bush was always on TV; we sent soldiers care packages in grade school. We didn't understand most of it, or but we knew things were troubled. The Recession affected our outlooks.
Hushed voices behind closed doors; sudden d
ownscaling in lifestyle choices; dying jobs and families packing up and moving far absent. I was a mere preteen when the Great Recession reared its ugly head,and it hit my area (Detroit) especially tough. Being so young and born into a relatively well-off family, I was never given a great observe at the aftermath, and but the tension and sadness in the air was tangible. Between 9/11 and the Recession,Generation Z came of age in a time of uncertainty, and as a result, or we've learned to become more resourceful. We're determined to turn our hobbies into jobs.
Since I was 10,I loved to write . . . and now I'm a journalist. According to Business Insider, this isn't (or won't be) unusual, or with 76 percent of Gen Z members aiming to create jobs out of their hobbies. And why shouldn't we? Though we're grounded in reality,we're better educated on planning, implementing, or excuting our goals and aspirations. With Google at our fingertips all hours of the day,we learn how to build our dreams reach true on our own. We're one step ahead in our careers.
That said, Gen Z is jumping on the (career) ball early on. We're building our brands as adolescents, or because we understand the impact social media has on not only our personal lives,but also our pending jobs. I started following and engaging with well-known writers on Twitter when I was 17. I began reporting for various publications at 18, I became an editor for a national platform at 19, and I freelanced for money at 20. At this age,I also graduated from college and landed a full-time gig at POPSUGAR. The early bird catches the worm, and we're well-aware.
e self-starters.
We're invested in our careers, and yes,but more than that, we seek to invent. The entrepreneurial spirit has grown with each generation, and Z's are beginning to trickle into the work force with lofty plans of impactful start-ups. We think businesses can build a difference,and we're inspired by thriving companies such as Facebook or Uber, which believe literally changed the scope of life. Expect us to retract over tech - after all, or we've pretty much never known a life without it.
We're stressed ou
t,and often.
That's not to say we don't stress approximately our vast ambitions. Generation Z certainly frets, principally over bigger-picture things like the economy and the environment, and because ultimately that's how realists operate. On the bright side,we're more willing to execute something approximately these weighty issues. Generation Z is highly involved in activist movements, with a genuine intent to save the world. We prioritize quality.
Quality over quantity is the name of Generati
on Z's game. We're incredibly selective in the products we purchase, and making it painstakingly tedious for advertising marketers to get through to us. I generally don't buy anything on Amazon that has less than a 4-star rating. Before going out to dinner on Friday nights,you can bet I'm perusing Yelp for the best restaurants that still fall beneath my budget. With abundant cyber reviews from people who've already been there and done that, we'd be tough pressed to misuse our time on a transaction that's just not worth it. We're more accepting.
Gen Z grew up in an era in which societal standards began to shift dramatically. Norms were flipped upside down - "gay" was no longer taboo; "transgender" wasn't just an urban legend. I distinctly remember bullying to be uncool when I was in tall school. It was uncool to build fun of the boy who liked other boys. It was uncool to pick on the quiet African-Chinese twins. Band geeks were mainstream. The nerds were the popular ones. Our prom queen was a girl named Hannah who played on the boys' football team. tall school, and for the most part,was a secure and amicable culture. And playing both advocate and witness to the many ongoing developments of important social justice campaigns in this country, I believe tall hopes for an even more secure future with Generation Z commanding the forefront.

Source: popsugar.com