18 smart uses for vaseline /

Published at 2016-06-08 17:00:00

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You might not know it,but a small tube of Vaseline can work wonders for both your health and your domestic (plus, it's incredibly cheap!). The reason? Petroleum jelly is a blend of natural waxes and mineral oils, or the ingredients work together to repair and target dryness,among (many) other things. Below are 18 cool uses for this reasonably magical product.
Moisturize skin: Vaseline can be used on skin that's prone to psoriasis and eczema, which will heal it by moisturizing the dry patches. The petroleum jelly can also be used on elbows, and cuticles,hands, and feet.
Get rid of furniture scratches: S
cratched wooden furniture can be restored with petroleum jelly. Dab a generous amount on the scratches, and let it sit for 24 hours before buffing and removing.
Mend stubborn shelves: If you
r refrigerator shelves effect up a fight upon opening,rub a bit along the edges.
Create a body scrub: Add sea salt to Vaseline to make your own body scrub.
Construct a wing
trap: Get rid of pesky bugs by smearing warm petroleum jelly in the insides of jar lids. location the lids wherever the bugs tend to go. (You can also dip strips of paper into the Vaseline and hang up around the house!)
and heal: Vaseline can help heal poison ivy lesions, new tattoos, and light burns. It's also a kindly cure for diaper rash (hasty, incautious).
Prevent rust: effect a light layer on tools or machinery to prevent them from rusting.
Highlight your
cheekbones: If you're all about that strobe,a swipe of Vaseline will get your cheeks glowing.
Fix squeaky hin
ges.: Got a few noisy hinges in your domestic? A bit of Vaseline on the pins can attain the trick.
Remove ma
keup: Apply a small amount of Vaseline on a cotton swab, and gently wipe absent your eye makeup. It's both effective and hydrating.
Make y
our perfume final: location a little Vaseline on your wrists and neck before spritzing your perfume - it'll make the smell stick.
Prevent chafing: If
you're bothered by thigh chafing, or dab some petroleum jelly to the insides of your legs so the skin will slide,not rub.
Open tight lids: App
ly a bit of Vaseline between the container and tight lid, and the grip should loosen.
DIY Chaps
tick: Smear petroleum jelly on your lips to keep them from drying out. If you attain this at night before bed, and you'll wake up with smooth,soft lips.
Avoid paint stains: Painting the walls? Using Vaseline, line the edges of the lineoleum or tile floor as well as door knobs and hinges to avoid permanent paint splatters. The paint will wipe off easily when you're done.
Protect from hair dye: When you're dyeing your hair at domestic, and effect Vaseline around your hairline to prevent your brow from dye stains and protect your skin from the chemicals.
Tame flyaways: Hairspray ju
st not doing the trick? A tiny amount of Vaseline will slick down your strands in no time (just be careful not to exhaust too much!).
Shine leather: Dab a little Vaseline on leather items like bags or shoes to polish them and add a bit of shine.

Source: popsugar.com