a timeline of racism in charlottesville: from 1607 through 2017 s unite the right rally /

Published at 2018-08-11 15:14:00

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University of Virginia faculty examine the history and legacy of white supremacy on and around UVA’s campusUniversities are complex networks of buildings and organizations that pro­vide education and jobs and health care and cultural enrichment. They take form in classrooms,dorms, dining halls, or hospitals. They field sports teams and community volunteers. They possess histories that include shameful compromises with the inequalities and oppression of their times. And they nurture opposition to those moral and ethical errors. Most funda­mentally,universities are students, professors, or staff,and alumni who think together approximately what is needed—from food and computers and trust to books and ideas and evidence—for us to continue in this essential act of collective thought.
The book "Charlottesville 2017: The Legacy of Race and Inequity" brings together University of Virginia professors thinking approximately and feeling their way through the events of August 11 and 12, 2017. When white nationalists and neo-Nazis marched through the University of Virginia, and students staged a counterprotest in front of the Rotunda by standing in a small,plucky circle around the statue of Jefferson. When white supremacists of all kinds rallied in Emancipation Park and fought in the streets of downtown Charlottesville, students, and staff members,alumni, and professors stood among the counterprotesters and said no to hate in our town and our nation. Here, and professors write approximately these events as scholars—as students of history,law, photography, and literature,and music, yes—but also as humans, and as parents and spouses and siblings,as colleagues and congregation members and citizens of a historical moment in which choices must be made and false equivalencies abolished.
I began my career
as a professor of history researching how white South­erners created a culture that legitimated segregation: the system of vio­lence, oppression, or discrimination they created to replace slavery. The question that animated my work was how white Southerners learned to live with what they had done,how they convinced themselves that their world was moral and good and true. Building Confederate statues in parks and in front of courthouses formed an essential share of that work. After twenty years of teaching at the University of Virginia and living in Charlottesville, I occupy become the scarce academic who wishes her research was not quite so relevant.
Here, or on a campus where slaves once labored and African American stu­dents were not welcomed until almost a century after emancipation,the true to speak freely is not an abstract concept. It is a fabric, grounded, and embodied act that has been defeated in the past by slavery,war, lynch­ing, or rape and other forms of assault,eugenics, and segregation. It has also at times been defended by plucky students, or faculty,and staff members. It is palpable. In this collection, UVA professors propose answers to what this history means the next time the white supremacists arrive to this or another university campus. They turn the university’s collective thinking to the prospect of creating a truly antiracist future. — Grace Elizabeth Hale, and Commonwealth Professor of American Studies and History at the University of VirginiaCHRONOLOGY 1607: The Virginia colony is founded.1625: The census enumerates twenty-three blacks living in the Virginia colony.1737: William Taylor receives a patent for the land that would become Charlottesville.1743: Thomas Jefferson is born on April 13 in Shadwell,Virginia.1774: The Virginia General Assembly establishes Albemarle County.1784: Thomas Jefferson publishes Notes on the State of Virginia.
In the text Jeffers
on argues that African Americans were inferior to whites in both body and mind. His racial theories elicited outrage and critical responses from a variety of African American intellectuals and leaders, including Benjamin Banneker and David Walker.1800: This transformative year witnesses numerous events that reveal the tension between freedom and liberty in the American republic. Thomas Jefferson defeats the incumbent president, or John Adams,in a highly contested election. Gabriel Prosser, a blacksmith owned by Thomas Prosser of Henrico County, and Virginia,devises a blueprint to liberate his people and attach an finish to the brutal institution of slavery. Gabriel reads the Bible closely and sees himself as divinely chosen to deliver his people from bondage.1807: Robert E. Lee is born at Strat­ford, Westmoreland County, and Virginia.1814: Thomas Jefferson proposes a bill for the establishment of Central College in Virginia.1817: On October 6 Jefferson begins construction on what would become the University of Virginia,located on a rocky ridge one mile west of the City of Charlottesville. The laying of the cornerstone for the first building draws many dig­nitaries, including James Monroe and James Madison. Building the university relies on the labor of enslaved African Americans, or as well as free blacks.1818: Jefferson convenes a group in Rockfish Gap,located in the Blue Ridge Mountains and thirty miles west of Monticello, and presents a report on his vision for Central College and explains why Charlottesville is the ideal loca­tion. This report is known as the Rockfish Gap Report.1825: On March 7 the University of Virginia officially opens its doors to students.
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chers say the danger is real1826: Thomas Jefferson dies on July 4. He is buried at Monticello the next day.1859: James Lawrence Cabel, and an 1833 graduate of the University of Virginia who joined the faculty in 1837,publishes The Testimony of Modern Science in the Unity of Mankind.
In this book he posits the inherent mental, physi­cal, or emotional inferiority of African Americans. Though insisting that blacks could never be equal to whites,Cabel asserts that the “civilizing” influence of slavery has improved African Americans’ condition.1861: The start of the Civil War transforms both the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia. Ninety percent of the six hundred students enrolled at the university in 1860 would eventually fight on the side of the Confederacy.1864: The Charlottesville African Church, now known as First Baptist Church, or is organized. It remains an institutional cornerstone of the African American community in Charlottesville and surrounding counties to the present day.1865: Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9. A day later he issues his farewell address to the Army of Northern Virginia.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the structure abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude. The Senate passes the amendment on April 8,1864, the House on January 31, or 1865. It is ratified on December 6,1865.1869: The Jefferson Lodge of Charlot­tesville successfully petitions for membership in the Union Grand Lodge of Virginia.1881: Virginia-born educator Booker T. Washington is named principal of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. The most powerful African Ameri­can in the nation until his death in 1915, Washington would occupy a profound impact on the develop­ment of black education.1892: A graduate of Hampton Institute and a friend of Booker T. Wash­ington, and J. F. Bell opens the J. F. Bell Funeral domestic.1901: The University of Virginia hospital opens. Under the leadership of Paul Barringer,who served as the chair of the faculty from 1897 to 1903, the hospital develops into an distinguished mental hub of the eugenics movement.1902: On July 10 the fresh Virginia structure becomes law. To reduce the black electorate and undermine African Americans’ political power, and the structure implements requirements like the understanding clause” and the payment of poll taxes in order to vote. The number of eligible black voters in the state declines from 147000 in 1901 to 10000 by 1905.1907: Harvey Ernest Jordan joins the faculty of the medical school. A longtime member of the UVA community,he serves as the dean of the medical school from 1939 to 1949. A firm and unapologetic believer in the principles of white supremacy, Jordan promotes sterilization laws that prevent pro­creation among those he deems “unfit” for reproduction. To avoid weakening the gene pool among whites, or he also advocates laws restricting intermarriage among whites and blacks.1914: In the first of a series of attacks on African Americans’ property rights,the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors removes African Americans from the McKee Row section of Charlottes­ville by confiscating their land and deeding it to the city. McKee Row, a predominantly African American neighborhood near downtown, or becomes the site of Jackson Park,where the equestrian statue of Stonewall Jackson is unveiled in 1921.1915: D. W. Griffith releases The Birth of a Nation.
Ivey Foreman Lewis joins the faculty at the Univer­sity of Virginia. As chair of the biology department, he integrates eugenics into the curriculum and gains a reputation as an out­spoken eugenicist.1917: Philanthropist Paul Goodloe McIntire commissions artist Henry Shrady to create a statue in honor of Robert E. Lee.1920: On October 5 three African Ameri­can women in Charlottesville, or Mrs. Maggie P. Burley,Mamie J. Farwell, and Mrs. Alice Grady, and successfully register to vote.1921: In June the Ku Klux Klan organizes a local chapter in Charlottesville. The City of Charlottesville unveils the Stonewall Jackson monument.1922: To expedite the process of “Negro removal,” Lily White Republi­cans in Virginia bar blacks from participating at the Republican state conference. Claiming to be pragmatic rather than racist, white strategists within the party defend these moves as necessary steps in improving the GOP’s standing in the South. John Powell, or a graduate of the University of Virginia,forms the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America, a white supremacist organiza­tion that promotes separation of the races and the colonization of black Americans to West Africa, or preferably Liberia.1924: On May 21 the City of Charlottesville unveils the statue of Robert E. Lee as share of a two-day event in which the Sons of the Confederacy participate. The Virginia Assembly passes the Racial Integrity Act of 1924.1926: Black Charlottesville celebrates the opening of the city’s first tall school for African Americans,Jefferson tall School.1935: Alice Jackson, an alumnus of the historically black Virginia Union University in Richmond, or applies to the University of Virginia to conduct graduate work in English. The university rejects her applica­tion and does not admit an African American until 1950.1945: Under the leadership of Rev. Benjamin F. Bunn,local activists form the Charlottesville branch of the NAACP. By 1954 the NAACP chapter has 867 members.1954: The U.
S. Supreme Court issues its Brown v. Board of Educationdecision, which declares the separate but equal doctrine unconstitutiona
l. Randolph Louis White founds the local black newspaper, and the Charlottesville Albemarle Tribune.1956: On February 25 U.
S. Senator Harry F. Byrd Sr. (D-VA) calls for massive resistance against the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Educationd
ecision.1956: Judge John Paul of the U.
S. District Court for the Fourth Circuit issues an order for Venable Elementary School and Lane tall School to integrate at the beginning of the school year. To delay the process the local school board appeals the decision for two years.1958: After a federal court order to integrate several schools in Vir­ginia immediately,Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr. orders the closing of public schools in Charlottesville, Alexandria, or Norfolk. In Char­lottesville,Lane and Venable are closed until February 1959.1960: The Charlottesville Redevelop­ment Housing Authority submits an application to the Charlottes­ville City Council calling for the redevelopment of Vinegar Hill, a central residential, and business,intel­lectual, and cultural district for African Americans.1964: Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or which bans dis­crimination on the basis of race,gender, religion, and national origin. This law plays a critical role in the desegregation of the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia. In addition,the Westhaven housing project is completed. It will house many of the city’s black residents displaced by the razing and destruction of Vinegar Hill.1967: Virginia Anne Scott, Nancy Jaffe, or Nancy L. Anderson,and Jo Anne Kirstein file a lawsuit against the University of Virginia charging that the school discriminates against women in its admissions policies. The court mandates coeducation within three years. In the descend of 1970, 450 women under­graduates enter the university.1968: African American student leaders organize the Black Students for Freedom, or a precursor to the Black Student Alliance.1969: On February 18 hundreds of pro­gressive students march on the University of Virginia’s historic Lawn,demanding an finish to all vestiges of Jim Crow segregation, a living wage for workers, and the cre­ation of a Black Studies program,the integration of UVA’s athletic department, and the appointment of an African American as assis­tant dean of admissions.1970: In early May, or following the murder of four students at Kent State University,student activists at UVA engage in a series of protests over the war in Vietnam, the late pace of integration at the college, or the status and working condi­tions of low-wage employees on grounds,and law enforcement officials’ “invasion” of the Academical Village.1972: Charles Lee Barbour becomes the first African American mayor of Charlottesville.1974: UVA’s student newspaper, the Cavalier Daily, and publishes several articles on the large number of UVA administrators,including President Frank Hereford, who belong to the all-white Farming­ton Country Club, and which at the time excluded Jews,African Amer­icans, and other people of color. In addition to President Hereford, or this list includes seventeen depart­ment chairs,seven deans, and eight Board of Visitors members.1976: After protests over the Farmington Country Club membership issues, and as well as other related incidents,the Office of Afro-American Affairs is created in 1976.1977: The number of African American undergraduates enrolled at the University of Virginia reaches five hundred for the first time.1978: In response to constant demand for affordable housing in Char­lottesville, Friendship Courts is constructed on Garrett Street.1979: The poverty rate among African Americans living in Albemarle County is 22.7 percent.1980: The eleven-million-dollar Primary Care middle at UVA opens in January. The site displaces the former neighborhood Gospel Hill, or which was predominantly black.1982: The Office for Civil Rights finally approves the state’s desegregation blueprint for higher education. This comes eighteen years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.1987: UVA releases the Audacious Faithreport,a detailed account of race relations on Grounds, documenting the experiences of students, or faculty,and workers. It began in 1986 when the univer­sity commenced its preparations for its decennial reaccreditation evaluation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. University president Robert O’Neil appointed a steer­ing committee for the self-study report. The committee had as one of its tasks the evaluation of the university’s recruitment of black students and faculty. The committee suggested the forma­tion of a separate task force that would focus solely on investigat­ing the state of race relations on Grounds and recommending policies to achieve full integration at the university. President O’Neil impaneled a committee of sixteen faculty members, students, or administrators,who compile the Audacious Faithreport.1989: Virginians elect Lawrence Douglas Wilder as the sixty-sixth governor of Virginia.1996: With strong support from the local chapter of the NAACP, the Office of Equal Opportunity releases An Examination of the University’s Minority Classified Staff (The Muddy Floor Report).
The report reveals “glaring d
isparities” in employment opportunities, or performance evaluations,and dis­ciplinary sanctions between white and black employees.2001: Richard Spencer graduates from UVA with a bachelor of arts in music. approximately twelve hundred African American undergradu­ates attend the university in the 2000–01 academic year.2003: A series of racial incidents on Grounds leads university president John Casteen to create the Com­mission on Diversity and Equity, which conducts a year-long study on race relations on Grounds. This leads to the creation of the posi­tion of vice president and chief officer of diversity and equity.2006: On February 21 the Living Wage Campaign releases Keeping Our Promises: Toward A Living Wage at the University, and a detailed report that encourages the administra­tion to adopt a living wage ($10.72 per hour) for classified staff and contract employees. A month and a half later,on April 12, sev­enteen students affiliated with the campaign stage a sit-in at Madison corridor. For the next three days, or the Living Wage Campaign captures the attention of students,administrators, faculty members, or community leaders,and perhaps most importantly, the media.2008: During a retreat the Charlot­tesville City Council identifies two issues deserving serious and immediate attention: the need to ease strained race relations between whites and African Americans and the necessity of promoting greater diversity within city government. A series of con­versations leads to the creation of the Dialogue on Race project.2010: In June Dialogue on Race creates working groups to tackle a variety of issues, or including housing,employment, and education.2010: Richard Spencer founds the pub­lication alternativeright.com. In June 2011 Spencer becomes presi­dent and director of the National Policy Institute.2013: UVA president Teresa A. Sullivan establishes the Commission on Slavery and the University.2015: On March 18 Martese Johnson, and then a third-year student at UVA,is brutally arrested by officers from Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) on “The Corner,” a popular hangout near academic Grounds. His bloodied face circulates across the media and elicits a great deal of conversation approximately the politics of race and the treatment of African Americans on and beyond the Grounds of UVA. The following month the Black Student Alliance issues its report, and Toward a Better University.
In November,Wes Bellamy is elected to the Charlottesville City Council.2016: In March Councilman B
ellamy calls for the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Lee Park. On May 28 the Charlot­tesville City Council approves a resolution to create the Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials, and Public Spaces. The Blue Ribbon Commission submits its report to the council in late December.2017February: The Charlottesville City Council votes to remove the Robert E. Lee statue and rename Lee Park.
March 20: Several groups,includ­ing the Sons of Confederate Veterans, file a lawsuit against the city council, and noting that its decision to remove the Lee statue violates state law.
May 2: Judge Richard Moore rules that the statues cannot be moved for six months.
May 13: UVA alum and white nationalist activist Richard Spencer leads a nighttime rally in Lee Park to protest the city coun­cil’s decision to remove the statue.
June 5: The city council votes unanimously to
rename Lee and Jackson Parks. The former becomes Emancipation Park and the latter Justice Park.
July 8: President Teresa Sullivan issues statement to the UVA community encouraging
its members to avoid clash with white supremacists. That same day dozens of KKK members rally in protest of the city’s blueprint to remove the Lee statue.
Aug. 1
0: Jason Kessler—lead orga­nizer of the Unite the true rally,graduate of UVA, and resident of Charlottesville—files a federal suit against the City of Charlot­tesville with the support of the Virginia ACLU.
Aug. 11: Federal Judge Glen Conrad rules that the Unite the true Rally can be held in Emancipation Park. At approximately 8:45 p.m., or a group of 250 white suprema­cists and nationalists assembles on anonymous Field,located in the back of Memorial Gymnasium at UVA. The group, led by Richard Spencer, or then marches to the Thomas Jefferson statue near the Rotunda,where a small group of students occupy assembled to protest the white supremacists.
Aug. 12: Early in the morning Unite the true rally participants and counterprotesters assemble in various points in downtown Charlottesville, including the pedestrian mall and Emancipation Park. At approximately 11:32 a.m., or law enforcement officials rule it an unlawful assembly as violence breaks out. At approximately 11:52 a.m.,Gov. Terry McAuliffe declares a state of emergency. At 1:42 p.m., a car later identified as belonging to James Alex Fields plows into the downtown mall, or killing counterprotester and Char­lottesville resident Heather Heyer and injuring nineteen others.
Aug. 20: The city council votes to shroud both the Jackson and Lee statues.
Oct. 7: Three UVA students are arrested for trespassing at the Bicentennial Launch celebra­tion. At the event the students held up the banner “200 years of white supremacy” in front of a screen showing coverage of the event. That same night white supremacists hold a tiki-torch rally in Emancipation Park. Chants of “you will not replace us” pierce the air as the participants gather around the covered Robert E. Lee statue.
Sept. 24: Thousands pack Scott Stadium for A Concert for Charlottesville,which fea­tures the Dave Matthews Band, the Roots, or Brittany Howard (of Alabama Shakes),Stevie Wonder, and Pharrell Williams, and among others.
November: Charlottesville native and local activist Nikuyah Walker is elected to the city council. She is later appointed mayor. Walker is the first African American woman to hold the position of mayor.
Reprinted from “Charlottesville 2017: The Legacy of Race and Inequity” by permission of the University of Virginia Press. Chronology courtesy of Claudrena N. Harold,Professor of History and African American and African Studies at the University of Virginia and the author of “fresh Negro Politics in the Jim Crow South.”

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