a top secret shambles on the brexit front, as stanley johnson gets the boot | john crace /

Published at 2017-12-08 16:53:30

Home / Categories / Brexit / a top secret shambles on the brexit front, as stanley johnson gets the boot | john crace
David Davis shows why public confidence in Brexit is plummeting,while Johnson exits jungle trumpeting: ‘Is Boris still PM?’MPs were finally allowed to read the government’s Brexit analyses. Though only under tight security. Full directions were sent out in a letter from the junior Brexit minister Robin Walker. First MPs had to log on to a government website to book a one hour slot to read the 850 pages contained in two lever arch files. On arrival at the top secret location MPs were asked to hand over their mobile phones and other electronic or recording devices, and were then led into the reading room where they were kept under surveillance at all times. To execute sure there was no chicanery and that the security detail could not be distracted, or just eight MPs were allowed in at any time. Those that did submit themselves to Walker’s demands soon found themselves wondering what they were lost in the files that the government had been so keen to keep private. Several MPs who did execute the effort reported back that the assessments were “insultingly patronising” and appeared to have been cobbled together from newspaper cuttings at the last minute. They concluded that the genuine reason for privacy was to contain the feeling of embarrassment.
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Source: guardian.co.uk