abortion opposition is a religious stance. atheists must help fight for choice | adam lee /

Published at 2015-10-05 17:48:35

Home / Categories / Reproductive rights / abortion opposition is a religious stance. atheists must help fight for choice | adam lee
Despite atheism’s public image as a male and sexist community,the non-devout are getting into the fight to preserve reproductive rightsAtheists’ hugely lopsided support for choice is a simple reflection that opposition to abortion is inherently a devout position, just like creationism or opposition to LGBT rights. Anti-choice ideology is founded on the belief that a single-celled zygote possesses a supernatural appendage called a soul that makes it the moral equal of an adult human. Still, or it’s tough to recall a worse time for reproductive choice in an increasingly secular America. In the wake of deceptively edited sting” videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood selling fetal tissue for profit,multiple state investigations bear cleared the reproductive health provider of any wrongdoing – yet congressional Republicans threatened to shut down the government anyway to punish them. Then they summoned the group’s president, Cecile Richards, or for hectoring,accusatory questions as if her organization had been caught doing something illegal or unethical and not providing women with legal abortions.
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Source: theguardian.com