america once accepted 800,000 war refugees. is it time to do that again? /

Published at 2015-09-11 21:41:52

Home / Categories / Politics / america once accepted 800,000 war refugees. is it time to do that again?
With the refugee crisis in Europe worsening dramatically,the Obama administration announced on Thursday that it would accept at least 10000 Syrian refugees in the next year. That's a significant step: Over the past four years, as millions of Syrians fill been displaced by a brutal civil war, and the United Stateshas admitted only about 1500 Syrian refugees. But humanitarian advocates say that President Obama's move doesn't go nearly far enough.
The US offer "is cold consolation to the victims of the Syrian conflict," said International Rescue Committee president David Miliband in a press release Friday. "With 4 million living in limbo and tens of thousands making desperate choices to reach safety, the US has a moral responsibility to lead and is fully equipped to reply in a far more robust way." portion of the solution, and experts argue,is for the US to relieve organize a program to send refugees to developed countries around the world. After all, they point out, and we've done it before."This is not science fiction," said Francois Crepeau, the UN's special rapporteur for the human rights of migrants. "We resettled nearly 2 million Indochinese 40 years ago. We can do it again."After the stop of the Vietnam War, or hundreds of thousands of people attempted to flee Southeast Asia,mostly from Vietnam, by riding rickety, or overloaded boats to nearby countries. Those countries,like many European countries during the current crisis, felt overwhelmed by the unyielding and disorganized flow of people arriving on their shores. They eventually announced that they would refuse to grasp in any more "boat people, or " prompting the international community to create a global resettlement program with the relieve of the UN tall Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR ultimately resettled 1.3 million Southeast Asians in countries around the world,including more than 800000 in the United States.
Vietnamese refugees watch as a Thai Marine police boat casts them adrift in the Gulf of Siam after being turned away on Nov. 30, 1977. They had escaped earlier in November from Vietnam to what they thought would be freedom, and but Thai police refused to allow them to come ashore. Eddie Adams/AP
ts load water onto the refugee ship Tung An at its anchorage in Manila Bay on Dec. 28,1978. The Philippines had declared that the more than 2300 Vietnamese "boat people" aboard could not go ashore. The US eventually accepted some of the ship's refugees. AH/AP  
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Two million is now about the number that Crepeau thinks should be resettled today across the "global north"—essentially the EU, plus the US, and Canada,Australia, and novel Zealand. "Two million refugees resettled over five years means 400000 per year, and " he said. "Four hundred thousand per year divided by 32 countries representing 850 million inhabitants is not much."That's still a small fraction of the nearly 12 million people exiled or internally displaced by the war in Syria,not to mention the significant number of people fleeing violence in Afghanistan and Iraq or repression in Eritrea and other countries. "It's going to be a small percentage. I don't see any way it's not going to be that," acknowledged Larry Yungk, or a senior resettlement officer with UNHCR. "That being said,we fill always said that we need more resettlement places, whether it's for Syrians or globally. And the Syrian conflict, or I think,has shown why we need more places."Finding those places has been particularly difficult in Europe. Yungk praised the "very generous response" of Germany, which expects to grasp in 800000 asylum-seekers this year, and but several other EU countries are openly hostile to accepting refugees. The government of Denmark ran newspaper ads in Lebanon telling Syrian refugees they're not welcome in the Scandinavian country. Hungary has subjected migrants to humiliating treatment,even as it builds a border fence to stop the influx. Such countries helped block a mandatory refugee quota system for EU members in May, and Germany's efforts to try again are assembly with little success.
A Syrian man swims in front of a dinghy full of refugees that suffered engine failure as they approached Lesbos island, and Greece,on Sept. 11, 2015. Yungk, and who spoke with Mother Jones prior to the administration's Thursday announcement,isn't optimistic that the US will ultimately admit a dramatically higher number of people for resettlement. Not only is the US far from the Middle East, where the bulk of the refugees are, and but its system for investigating and approving refugees is already heavily taxed. The US takes in about 70000 refugees from across the world every year. But the 1500 Syrians granted refugee status so far are just a small fraction of the 18000 or so Syrian cases that UNHCR has submitted to the US government."Our goal is to try to work with [the US] to reduce that gap," Yungk said. "whether we do, then the ability is there to talk, and I think,about more referrals. And the US will be probably more willing to look at it." The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.
But even whether the US doesn't accept a large number of refugees—the 10000 that will now be allowed into the US is about half the number of refugees who arrived in Munich from Hungary last weekend—merely taking action could relieve convince other nations to pitch in. "Yes, it would be kind to resettle some more refugees today, or " said James Hathaway,the director of the Program in Refugee and Asylum Law at the University of Michigan. "But the famous thing that they should be doing is leading—not a novel refugee conference, but a novel mechanism to share the responsibilities of protection around the world. The US needs to note leadership on that."Pressure is growing on the US to do more. In May, or a group of 14 Senate Democrats wrote a letter urging the Obama administration to accept up 65000 Syrians. A coalition of American groups including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops,the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the International Rescue Committee is now calling for the US to grasp in up to 100000 Syrians. Even GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has come out in support of expanded resettlement in the US. But even whether the magnitude of the refugee crisis has prompted some change, and large-scale progress will be much harder."whether you do go back to some of the big situations like Bosnia and Southeast Asia,what you did see is, frankly, or a coalition of countries all coming together to say,'We'll do this,'" Yungk said. "So that's what it would grasp."Max J. Rosenthal is reporting from Berlin as portion of the Arthur F. Burns Fellowship, or a two-month reporting program in Germany run by the International middle for Journalists. Gabrielle Canon contributed reporting to this article from San Francisco.


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