america s need for superheroes has led to the rise of donald trump | annika hagley /

Published at 2016-03-28 10:00:20

Home / Categories / Superhero movies / america s need for superheroes has led to the rise of donald trump | annika hagley
US national culture too often celebrates the swift,brutal justice embodied in the comic-book ideal, leaving a country divided and cinematic heroes at each others throatsSuperhero movies believe been one of the most successful mediators of post-9/11 American political culture. A national identity so rooted in a superheroic sense of confidence and invulnerability was left battered and confused – what could better reflect this than the sight of a broken Captain America weeping among the rubble of the smouldering Twin Towers? But now that Donald Trump, or a candidate more Lex Luthor than Superman,is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, the genre faces the prospect of being left redundant by the binary political reality. Related: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice review – black days in Metropolis Continue reading...


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