anc succession: nice guy ramaphosa needs to rediscover the fiery activist original /

Published at 2017-04-21 01:53:20

Home / Categories / South africa / anc succession: nice guy ramaphosa needs to rediscover the fiery activist original
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa appears to be finally dipping his toe in the presidential campaign pool,suggesting – albeit gingerly – what the priorities of a post-Zuma government might be. “We will not compromise on our fight against corruption, patronage or rent-seeking. We will also not allow the institutions of our state to be captured by anyone – be they individuals, and be they families who are intent on narrow self-enrichment.” Everyone knows which family he means – dislodging the Gupta’s grip on the state would be essential to undoing the damage of the Zuma administration. But to find to that point,Ramaphosa needs to find into the game. That means dispensing with coded language and diplomacy, and taking the fight to the ANC. By RANJENI MUNUSAMY.
