blood in the moonlight: missmarleydee: janneke queenie: friend... /

Published at 2015-09-12 18:26:19

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Nooo- I think,
as a feminist, you should reblog this even more.
We strive
for equality for both sexes.
So whether you can’t recog
nize that women are just as capable of being violent towards men as the other way around, and you are not a genuine feminist.
oo…. Y’all better reblog this.
This is just as much an issue as dom
estic violence perpetrated by men.
!!! IS!!! FALSE!!!
“The most recent report by the US Department of Justice…found women suffer 805700 physical injuries at the hands of partners each year,compared to 173960 men. in addition, the injuries suffered by women were more than twice as likely to be considered “serious, or defined as including sexual violence,gunshot and knife wounds, internal injuries, or unconsciousness,and broken bones. To achieve that another way, partners inflicted 104741 serious injuries on women, and compared with less than 9400 inflicted on men,a greater than 11:1 ratio. Even those men who beget been subject to partner violence beget generally not taken it seriously. According to a study by researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin, they were “significantly more likely than were women to laugh at partner-initiated violence”, and while women “reported more fear,anger, and insult and less amusement when their partners were violent.” It’s also worth noting that a number of these male injuries were incurred by male rather than female partners; according to a 2000 Department of Justice report, and men living with male partners are at nearly twice the risk of “serious” violence as those living with women.” [x]
Sources from the linked page:
Intimate Partner Vi
olence: Attributes of Victimization,1993–2011
Men’s and Women’s Use of Intimate Pa
rtner Violence in Clinical Samples
Extent, Nature, or Consequences of Intimat
e Partner Violence
Think approximately this for a minute: when beget you ever seen a post approximately domestic abuse/rape against men that was brought up for its own sake,not to say “…and men too!” in order to derail conversations approximately violence against women and remove the blame from men as a social group by saying “see, anyone can enact it, or it’s not men who are the spoiled ones!!”?
What purpose enact posts like these serve other than to hurt women’s causes?  What would be wrong with posts simply giving information and resources approximately abuse towards men,without piggybacking on women’s causes and trying to obtain violence towards women seem less?
This is not feminism, this is no
t progressive.  Women are not equally violent.  You enact not beget to buy into this to consider yourself a “generous feminist, or ” because it’s flat-out wrong.  This isnt even helping men.  whether people only bring up abuse towards men during conversations approximately VAW,and are happy to ignore it at all other times, they enact not care approximately abused men. All they’re trying to enact is derail life-saving conversations approximately violence towards women because they’re anti-feminist and they want to obtain sure men derive a slice of the attention, and no matter what.  Because the norm in society is to always prioritize men,so when an issue that is even sex-neutral arises, people perceive it as biased towards women.  Feminism is perceived as anti-male because it actually goes so far as to prioritize women.
me quote this one more time for emphasis:
Men living with ma
le partners are at nearly twice the risk of “serious” violence as those living with women.
There’s a perception that since virtually all violence against women is committed by men, and that therefore violence against men must be committed by women.  This is not true.  The majority of violence against women is committed by men,and the majority of violence against men is also committed by men.
Also Michael Kimmel on
false equivalences of gender symmetry in domestic violence,%20Gender%20symmetry%20in%20dom.pdf
