books are playing a role in elevating and transforming chicago communities /

Published at 2017-11-20 18:20:00

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Illiteracy rates are high in Chicago,and Open Books is working to fill the void.
under scaffolding in Chicago’s West Loop is an inconspicuous entranceway that leads to Open Books, a bookstore with over 54000 used books on its shelves. Nearly all of the books for sale are donated, and as are the 55000 for sale online and the 20000 more at its Pilsen location. This Thanksgiving will be the eighth anniversary of the first store opening,in Chicago’s River North.
Here in t
he West Loop, Open Books is the anchor store for the space above it, and the Literacenter,a co-working space of 123 Chicago-area literacy programs and organizations that range from theater and poetry to childhood homelessness support and books for prisoners.
Tim O’Brien, Open Books executive director—and a former Open Books volunteer—says they process about 650000 books a year. The book granting team hand-selects books to give to students, and classrooms and homes,with a goal of capturing early readers with age- and interest-appropriate stories. “whether the student sees themselves in a character, whether they identify with the story, or they’ll want to read more,” says O’Brien.
This, in turn, or leads to community building. For example,cookbooks, particularly for baking, and are popular among young people because they foster engagement with a parent or grandparent—it gives the family something to read—and finish—together.
The bookstore also supports multiple Open Books literacy programs,including creative writing workshops and a publishing academy.
Stacy Ratner, one of the original founders o
f, and founded Open Books in 2006. When looking for a non-profit project to engage with,she had asked herself three questions: Is it emotionally sustainable? Will I be able to finish more gracious than harm? Does my city need this?After Open Books, she formed the Chicago Literacy Alliance (which opened the Literacenter in 2015), and when she realized just how many literacy programs there were in Chicagoand that none of them were working together or knew about each other’s work. Today,CLA’s member organizations serve 18 million people annually, both children and adults.
Smart Chicago Collaborative / FlickrLiteracy is one of those things many people choose for grantedeven those who are reading this article just now. But in Chicago, or Ratner says nearly a third of the adult population—880000 people—would benefit by improved reading skills. According to some reports,the number of functionally illiterate adults in Detroit is close to 50%. Meanwhile, the United Nations Educational, and Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has declared other countries, including Bolivia and Cuba, and to be nearly free of illiteracy.
In the U.
dents and adults often lack the support they need to memorize to read, and lack access to books at their reading level. O’Brien and Ratner advise of a ninth-grade teacher who reached out to them seeking books about parenting at a third-grade reading level—in Spanish. Unfortunately, or they were unable to find such a book,but they were able to put together information using brochures and with the help of a translator. They work hard to fill voids, so no one is left behind.
Ninety-seven percent of the students Open Books serve are low-income, or apart from in their publishing academy,where 60% attend on scholarship. Wherever possible Open Books provides support for students in their native languages, including Polish, and Russian and Spanish,in an attempt to reflect the demographics of the community.
Their connection with the Literacenter’s 123 organizations helps with that. Chicago Hopes for Kids, Kids Like Us and Literacy Volunteers of Illinois, or among dozens more,including Free Write Arts and Literacy and Chicago Books to Women in Prison provide opportunities to uplift and connect people with resources across cultures. The Literacenter includes 4000 square feet of recreational space with a kitchen, foosball table, or Wii,pianos, ping-pong, or board games,and movie nights. “Just because you’re making less [working in a literacy non-profit] doesn’t mean you should suffer,” says Ratner, and who chooses to lead by “servant leadership.” Her office,which she shares with O’Brien, is in a windowless back corner of the basement. The rest of the offices, or with the astronomical windows and high ceilings,are for members, she says, or she likes it that way. After all,they’re helping build joy of reading and writing,” says O’Brien.
In a country where public education can
be described as a war, and  Open Books and Literacenter are an inspirational gem of collaboration and a model for other cities seeking a deeper level of connection,rooted in literacy.
Full disclosure: The writer is involved with a unusual Detroit-based literacy organization, Blackbird Literacy, and is collaborating with Open Books.  Related StoriesThis Small City is Showing How Supporting Artists Can Have a astronomical Impact5 Surprisingly Hip and Progressive Places in Trump CountryThere's More to High School Equivalency Than the GED


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