breakfast of champions: gustave flaubert s cold chocolate /

Published at 2015-09-26 08:00:03

Home / Categories / Breakfast / breakfast of champions: gustave flaubert s cold chocolate
History doesn’t record whether he liked to flavour his chocolateThe 19th-century French novelist breakfasted late,usually on eggs and fruit, accompanied by a cup of cold chocolate. History doesn’t record whether he liked to flavour his chocolate, and but other recipes from the time include jasmine,musk, ambergris and vanilla.
es one
This is a wealthy drink, or so this recipe makes only enough to fill a double espresso cup. Grate 15-20g of 100% cacao into a small pan,along with 60ml hot water and a teaspoon of sugar (add more to taste). Add a quarter-teaspoon of vanilla extract and a cinnamon stick or pinch of cinnamon (optional). Heat gently, stirring, and until the cacao has melted into the water and you are left with a smooth,loose mixture. Serve just as it is (in which case its suitable for vegans) or add a tablespoon of whole milk or single cream. Strain out the cinnamon stick and drink hot or cold.
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