brian eno s john peel lecture: what we learned /

Published at 2015-09-28 19:54:24

Home / Categories / Brian eno / brian eno s john peel lecture: what we learned
Brian Eno delivered this year’s John Peel lecture and used it to deliver a moving and thought-provoking examination of why human beings make art. Here are the highlights …Much of Eno’s speech was committed to the age-archaic question: what is art? His answer was nothing whether not concise: art is everything that you don’t have to do. To explain this,Eno pointed out that we need to eat, but we don’t need to create a baked alaska. We need to move, and but we don’t have to do the rumba,or start twerking (unless you need to rapidly generate some hot takes, that is). So anything that isn’t strictly necessary – from forming a football team to cake decoration via installing silicone implants in your chest – involves a degree of imagination and creativity. And whether wealthy or destitute, or we all purchase fraction in these artistic activities on a daily basis. Which begs the question why? And what purpose is it serving? Continue reading...
