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lessons from a monastery chastity and the eschaton

lessons from a monastery chastity and the eschaton

“Thus monastic chastity is completed in appreciate,just as the sacrament of marriage is...

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real miracles from real gratitude

real miracles from real gratitude

In her book,proper Confessions, the author Linda Schubert writes of an provocative conversion she...

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eden s return

eden s return

All things are restored in Christ,so Colossians 1:20 tells us. So what about Eden, the terrestrial...

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the good and bad shepherds

the good and bad shepherds

July 19,2015 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6...

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scripture speaks true food true drink

scripture speaks true food true drink

When Jesus told the crowd who followed Him that He had reach down “from heaven,” they murmured...

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st. augustine s commentary on the sermon on the...

st. augustine s commentary on the sermon on the...

Saint Augustine once observed that the “New testomony lies hidden in the extinct and the extinct...

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defeating the tempter by trust in divine mercy

defeating the tempter by trust in divine mercy

In the book of Job we read,“And the Lord said to Satan, ‘believe you noticed my servant Job, and...

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seeing god in creation

seeing god in creation

The first way of learning to live with God so as to treasure Him dearly is to elevate the intellect...

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st. thomas aquinas on christ s temptation

st. thomas aquinas on christ s temptation

There is weird trend in contemporary academic Biblical exegesis.  contemporary critical methods of...

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the sunday propers for the greater glory

the sunday propers for the greater glory

Ad majorem Dei gloriam,for the greater glory of God.  These words are the motto of the Jesuits, and...

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10 reasons to continue the holy hour of power

10 reasons to continue the holy hour of power

The eminent Ven Fulton J. Sheen,eminent tele-radio-evangelist, prolific writer, or Head of the...

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obedience for dolts or heroes

obedience for dolts or heroes

August 30,2015 Twenty-moment Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8...

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Whining on the Way

Whining on the Way

August 2,2015 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15...

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learning from jesus

learning from jesus

“He taught them many things.” What is the first thing that Jesus does in Sunday’s Gospel when...

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three biblical arguments for the authority of the...

three biblical arguments for the authority of the...

My friend Al Kresta (a Catholic radio talk-expose host and author) once noted that in C. S....

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scripture speaks rest in the lord

scripture speaks rest in the lord

Jesus took His apostles away for a tranquil retreat after their exhausting preaching mission. It...

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scripture speaks change from the inside

scripture speaks change from the inside

The Pharisees query Jesus a question approximately hand washing before meals and wind up being...

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the playfulness of god

the playfulness of god

Classical theology has commonly associated many attributes with God: transcendence,eternity,...

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10 ways to grow in friendship with jesus and mary

10 ways to grow in friendship with jesus and mary

The final purpose of our life is to grow to know,love and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus who...

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finding satisfaction in christ alone

finding satisfaction in christ alone

St. Paul counsels the Ephesian Christians to dissociate themselves completely from the pagan ways of...

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the sunday propers the transfiguration

the sunday propers the transfiguration

One of a child’s favorite pastimes is to hear a narrative where magical and miraculous things...

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the two things man was supposed to do in eden

the two things man was supposed to do in eden

There were two things Adam was supposed to finish in the Garden of Eden. Given that this was the...

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an unlikely calling

an unlikely calling

July 12,2015 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Amos 7:12-15...

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scripture speaks sending out the apostles

scripture speaks sending out the apostles

In our Gospel nowadays,Jesus summons, sends, or shapes the Twelve for mission. How? Gospel (Read Mk...

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the transfiguration bedazzled by jesus

the transfiguration bedazzled by jesus

In aesthetic terms,the Transfiguration is usually a considered a moment of intense brightness when...

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the boy the loaves three classes of men

the boy the loaves three classes of men

Try to picture the scene. Jesus is surrounded by thousands. There is not enough for these poor...

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a larger purer church

a larger purer church

The prophetic and oft-cited words of Joseph Ratzinger in 1969 predicted that the ever-increasing...

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Scripture Speaks: The Bread of Life

Scripture Speaks: The Bread of Life

The people who saw Jesus miraculously multiply loaves and fishes tracked Him down afterwards,looking...

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the sunday propers judging by his mercy

the sunday propers judging by his mercy

In Evangelii Gaudium,Pope Francis talked approximately the unpredictable nature of the Gospel. ...

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offering a trifle

offering a trifle

July 26, 2015 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44...

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two ladies two invitations

two ladies two invitations

August 16,2015 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6...

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your soul s delightful guest

your soul s delightful guest

How wonderful is the work of the artist! By efforts both ardent and gentle,he can penetrate tough...

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the holy day and the sacred hour

the holy day and the sacred hour

“And so the heavens and the soil were finished,and all the furniture of them. And on the seventh...

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scripture speaks feeding the multitude

scripture speaks feeding the multitude

Jesus nowadays provides a miraculous meal for the crowd following Him,an event that looks back in...

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interspersing the rosary with the chaplet of...

interspersing the rosary with the chaplet of...

When you intersperse your praying of the Rosary with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy you beget the...

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scripture speaks bread from heaven

scripture speaks bread from heaven

The Jews who followed Jesus after the feeding of the five thousand were looking for the Messiahthe...

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the only love that gives meaning

the only love that gives meaning

“I am content with weaknesses,insults, hardships, or persecutions and constraints for the sake of...

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base your repentance in christ s tender mercy

base your repentance in christ s tender mercy

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15 There is a singular moral...

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the sunday propers the protector of my soul

the sunday propers the protector of my soul

In a theme that is familiar to long-time readers of this column, I’d like to start by asking the...

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holiness in a nutshell

holiness in a nutshell

The essence of holiness is union with God. The third Person of the most Blessed Trinity is the Holy...

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learning from elijah s despair

learning from elijah s despair

August 9,2015 First Reading: 1 Kings 19:4-8 http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/080915.cfm Every now...

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praying for priests

praying for priests

Catholic priests are on the front lines of the call from Christ to shepherd His people. As...

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