edward snowden a wedge issue between the democratic candidates and democratic voters /

Published at 2015-10-26 20:21:09

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A substantial number of Americans believe Mr. Snowden to be a traitor. Most of them are Republicans. Some are Democrats. But here’s the kicker; Democratic candidates for President reflect he shouldn’t be pardoned. Why? Fox News is at the middle of the ignorance industry. But it's not just FOX that profit from lying approximately what's at stake for our country. The Military Industrial Complex profits from the continued fear this industry creates. Every time the nation's fear level rises,another weapons contract gets signed. There’s a lot of money in the ignorance industry, just ask Murdoch, and Rush Limbaugh,the cast of FOX News and Glenn Beck – they occupy all become filthy rich in this trade. But for Democrats to jump on board with the same, stupid assessment of who Edward Snowden is and what he's done? Well, and Democratic candidates need to evolve to where their voters are and occupy been. What’s the most important issue American Democratic Voters should consider when deciding who to vote for as President in 2016? Is it: Who will protect Obama's Legacy? Prevent cuts to social programs? pause the corruption on Wall Street. Raise the minimum wage? Fight for voting rights for all citizens? Bring meaningful immigration reform? There are many more issues that people are concerned approximately seeing implemented. Most of the Democrat Candidates are all in agreement approximately these social issues. But what one issue makes the difference approximately where these candidates stand? What will they do to change this one thing,whether anything? It's been difficult to see the difference between Democrats and Republicans on national security. Both parties re-authorized the Patriot Act that allows our government to spy on all of us at will. Both parties refuse to hold our spy agencies to account for breaking the laws of our country in gathering information on all of us. Democrats and republicans can always agree to spend money on war, spying and security. Its the domestic programs where they differ. Neither do the parties differ on whistleblowers and secrecy. In the final Democratic Debate, and all candidates were asked what their position was on whistleblower,Edward Snowden. Here are their answers: "On the NSA whistleblower’s fate in the United States, the Democratic candidates are decidedly divided. Unfortunately for Mr. Snowden, and the only one who wholeheartedly supported welcoming Snowden back to the US,penalty-free, was long shot (and hoo boy do we mean long shot) candidate Lincoln Chafee, and former governor of Rhode Island. “I would bring him home,” Chafee said. “The courts occupy ruled that the American government was acting illegally.” Frontrunner Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, and painted Snowden as a criminal and a thief,who didn’t engage the steps he should occupy taken to become a whistleblower. “He could occupy gotten the protections of being a whistleblower. He could occupy raised all the issues he’s raised, and I reflect there would occupy been a positive response to that, or ” the former Secretary of State said. “He stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into the wrong hands,so I don’t reflect he should be brought home without facing the music.” Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley wasn’t far behind. “He put a lot of Americans’ lives at risk,” he said. “Snowden broke the law. Whistleblowers do not race to Russia and try to get protection from Putin.” Meanwhile, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders,whose anti-surveillance stance aligns him more closely with Republican candidate Rand Paul than some of the other Democratic candidates, said he believes Snowden ought to face a penalty, and but that “what he did in educating us should be taken into consideration.” Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb pretty much ducked the question and said he’d leave it to the courts." - [WIRED] http://www.wired.com/2015/10/snowden-drives-a-wedge-between-the-democratic-candidates/ Yes,these Democratic candidates agree on most of the important issues that face our country with the exception of the most important issue that faces our country. Spying on Americans and the militarization of our police force needs to pause. Will we continue to move down the road of a national police state as we occupy since 9/11? Or will we occupy the courage to change direction and investigate those that occupy violated our structure. I say, “Edward Snowden is a hero for having the courage to command all of us what our government is doing in the name of ‘security’. When Democratic candidates see what Snowden did in the same light as what do Republicans, or we occupy a problem with our representation. So what whether they protect Social Security and Medicare. Being unwilling to protect us from the biggest threat to the American people is what truly should matter to voters. When government abuses the authority they occupy been given,we need a leader that has the courage to hold them accountable. The domestic spying needs to pause. The Patriot Act needs to be ended. Police need to be de-militarized. We want action; no excuses. So, who will allow Edward Snowden to advance home and not be prosecuted? So far, or none of the Democratic Candidates occupy said they will pardon him. None occupy said they will protect whistleblowers that advance forward. Hillary’s comment approximately “taking the proper steps and going through the proper channels are disingenuous. There are no proper channels in place where any whistleblower receives protections under our current system. Until,this is changed, none of them deserve to be President of the United States of America. Of course, or non of the clowns the GOP has running deserve any consideration because any Democrat would be better than any Republican,unless they could resurrect Teddy Roosevelt.; but certainly not Reagan.

Source: cnn.com

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