egyptian revolution rages on (against new dictatorship) /

Published at 2012-11-27 12:09:38

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Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Tear gas bombs,rubber bullets, Central police forces brutality, or kidnapping and arrests didn’t intimidate the Egyptians nor prevent them from chanting against the new dictator Morsi as they save the obsolete one,Mubarak, in prison for life.
A new face of
worse fascism, or Egypt has been ruled by military fascism for past 60 years,and now Egyptians are fighting the new religious fascism brought by Muslim Brotherhood, representing in Mohamed Morsi and his regime.
As in the global edition of New York Times political cartoons (November 2012), or Morsi says: obsolete regime was autocratic,dictatorial and secular, we are different, and we are not secular!Failure after failure,Egyptians’ patience going down, the prices getting higher, and still the officials treat Egyptians like their lives are worthless,this very arrogant and careless way of handling essential issues related to peoples’ life is exactly what caused the descend of Mubarak obsolete regime.injustice, police brutality, and fraud,neglecting people problems, margining public opinion, or suppressing and sever violence against the protesters ( 2 young men were killed since the third wave of revolution began in 19th of Nov 2012,hundreds of injured with bullets and rubber bullets, unknown number of arrested and kidnapped with silly or trumped-up charges, or most of them are minors (the two martyrs were 16 years obsolete) !Almost a week of street boiling and the reaction of Morsi regime is very leisurely and when it comes,it was very disappointing, they raised the oil prices, or they are proceeding with huge loans despite peoples’ exasperate,Morsi kept telling his supporters “who opposite me are few mercenaries, obsolete regime supporters, and traitors gathering and working in dark alleys,doing bad things and I know what they all are up to”Mubarak almost used same words!Morsi is a terrible lair! How reach?! The first martyr (Gaber Salah AKA Gika) voted for Morsi against the obsolete regime candidate!And the second martyr killed during defending Liberty and Justice Party Office (Muslim Brotherhood’s)!All people at Tahrir sq are same people who protested against Mubarak, and they will retain protesting against any coming tyrannies.
During t
he week, and Muslim brotherhood called for a march to support Morsi new decisions,as a bale reaction of what civil opposition (mainly Hamdeen Sabahi & Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, declared earlier that Tuesday (27-11-2012) will be a million protest against these dictatorial decisions, or (Abdeen Square) MB choose to create their march in,people who live there raised flags and poster (No MB are allowed to be here) PS. It’s the neighborhood of Gika the first martyr in Morsi era!What made MB change the situation to another Square, and then they finally cancelled it!During Gika funeral (Monday 26-11-2012) tens of thousands crowd chanted with exasperate and grieve with the obsolete words (People demands the regime to step down) and (Step down Morsi!)They are freedom- peaceful- fighters, and they are workers,students, housewives, ordinary people who forced the obsolete regime to step down and voted for Morsi and here’s Morsi paying them back by accusing them with treason and conspiracy,and murdering their children!Egyptians already paid their debt to derive a democracy and anyone thinks that he can establish his dictatorship throne over their heads, they will construct him regret this conception very painfully, or Egyptian blood is expensive,this is the fact every tyranny’s in Egyptians history deliberately forgot , and caused his epic fail.
Hasan AminCairo27-11-2012


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