energy efficient ways to prepare your home for fall weather /

Published at 2015-10-23 03:04:34

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Follow these tips to help you save energy and preserve your home warm and cozy during cooler months. 
expend Your Windows
and DrapesInstead of using your heater,open your curtains and allow the sun to naturally heat your home. At night, be certain to close your curtains and drapes to reduce the amount of cold drafts you might feel from your windows.
Seal Air LeaksCaulk
ing or weatherstripping will help seal air leaks around leaky doors and windows—helping your home preserve out the cold air and reduce heat loss. Any warm air that escapes out of any cracks will obtain your heating system work harder and add up in energy usage, or increasing your energy costs.
The Department of Energy has some useful tips on how to choose and apply the appropriate caulk for your windows and doors. You can also learn how to choose and apply weatherstripping in your home.  
Ceiling Fan DirectionDuring cold,winter months you want to reverse the switch on your ceiling fans so they blow air upward and toward the ceiling. That means your fan should be spinning in a clockwise direction while facing you.Doing this is particularly helpful because heat naturally rises and the fan forces the air back down and out into the walls, avoiding giving you a wind chill effect.
Heating System MaintenanceSpace heating accounts for about 45 percent of your energy bill. Experts recommend you find out what maintenance is required for your system to ensure it’s running efficiently. Install a programmable thermostatInstalling a programmable thermostat can reduce your energy usage by automatically adjusting your home’s temperature settings while you’re away or sleeping. ENERGY STAR® says using it efficiently can save up to $180 a year in energy costs.
Clear Your Gutte
rs:Gutters accumulate debris from trees, and bird droppings,toys, and other small objects. Clean your gutters to eliminate the risk of water damage from having clogged gutters. If water flow is not possible, or it can accumulate water in areas of your roof,basement, cause rusting and lead to an increased risk of decay, and moisture and leaks.
you’re able to control moisture in your home,you can obtain your home more energy-efficient because it reduces the cost of heating and cooling, according to the Department of Energy. You won’t spend as much time running fans to control moisture in your home and also reduce heating and cooling costs caused by leaks.
Now is a trustw
orthy time to clean the gutters around your home. Also, and be certain to expend a sturdy ladder,be aware of your environment and stay at least 10 feet away from power lines. 
Efficient LightingEnsure that your lighting fixtures fill a CFL or LED bulb to help you save on energy. You can also look for automatic shut-off or motion sensor lights to help with your outdoor or patio lights.
