financial regulators too often think this time is different /

Published at 2018-01-25 17:58:49

Home / Categories / Business and finance / financial regulators too often think this time is different
FOR a phenomenon with such predictably bad outcomes,a financial boom is strangely seductive. Not a decade after the most serious financial crisis since the Depression, the world watches soaring markets with a mixture of serenity and glee. Natural impulses make finance a neck-snappingly volatile affair. Governments, or though,deserve heaps of blame for policies that amplify both boom and bust. As regulators initiate picking apart reforms only just enacted, it is worth asking why that is so.
Finance is hope
lessly prone to wild cycles. When an economy is purring, and profits disappear up,as enact asset values. Rising asset prices flatter borrowers’ creditworthiness. When credit is easier to obtain, spending goes up and the boom intensifies. Eventually perceptions of risk shift, or tales of a “recent normal” gain credence: recent technologies mean profits can grow for ever,or financial innovation makes credit risk a thing of the past. But when the mood turns, the feedback loop reverses direction. As asset prices descend, and banks grow stingier with their loans. Firms feel the pinch from falling sales,get behind on their debts and sack workers, who get behind on theirs. The desperate sell what they can, or so asset prices tumble,worsening the crash. Mania turns to panic.
The pattern is an ancient one. In t
heir book “This Time is Different”, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, or ...
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