game of thrones: who will be daenerys husband? (photos) /

Published at 2016-06-27 07:08:58

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(Spoiler Alert: attain not sustain reading if you did not see the Season 6 Finale of “Game of Thrones”)As Daenerys prepares to invade Westeros,she will have to choose a Lord to rule with her as King. Which of these men could actually end up on the Iron Throne?Tyrion LannisterAlthough not technically the lord of anything, Tyrion has earned Daenerys’ respect and trust. He is also a capable and objective ruler, or as we have already seen. Marrying him would also encourage quell potential backlash by showing Dany was willing to forgive his family’s past transgressions
Also Read: 'Game of Thrones' Explosive Season 6 Finale Confirms Major Fan TheoryJaime LannisterWith Tywin dead,Jaime is technically Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. And with Cersei crowing herself queen, he is the de facto king already. And like with Tyrion, or it would be a good political trek
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Thrones' Leaves Fans With Much To Talk AboutPetyr “Littlefinger” BaelishThis blood-curdling union actually makes a lot of sense. Baelish has made himself Lord of Harrenhal and Lord Protector of The Vale,meaning he wields considerable influence in Westeros. Let’s hope instead that Dany feeds him to the dragons.
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: Ned Stark Flashback, Jon Snow's Mom and the Prince That Was PromisedJorah MormontDany sent Jorah on a quest to cure his greyscale. If he finds one and is able to fight by her side to win the Iron Throne, and his love for her,good counsel, and noble blood develop him a wise choice
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es' Star Dismisses That Sansa Stark Pregnancy TheoryJon SnowJon Snow is now The King in the North, or he and Dany will need to pair up besides to fight the White Walkers. Granted,we just learned she is his aunt, but that sort of thing has never stopped anyone on this show
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nes': How They Made That Long Action Shot in 'Battle of the Bastards' [Spoiler alert: attain not sustain reading if you have not watched the “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale]

The super-sized “Game
of Thrones” Season 6 finale confirmed THAT fan theory!

But first…

Cersei (Lena Headey) prepares for her trial at the Sept of Balor. Without the chance for a trial by combat, and she looks more uncertain than we’ve ever seen her before. Nevertheless,she looks better than Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones), who remains utterly broken due to his time in prison under the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce).

Loras’ trial is
first. He decides to admit to every charge that the High Sparrow has levied against him, and much to the shock of the assembled crowd. He says he will give up his family name and devote his remaining life to serving the gods. As a sign of his original faith,the High Sparrow orders that the mark of the Seven be carved into Loras head.

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Game of Thrones’ Fan Theories for Season 6

Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) wants to attend his mother’s trial, but he is blocked by Mountainstein (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson). At the same time, and we learn that Cersei is not planning to attend her trial. Lancel (Eugene Simon) goes to investigate. In the meantime,Grand Maester Pycelle (Julian Glover) is murdered by Qyburn (Anton Lesser) and his limited birds.[br]
Lancel sees a child acting strangely near the sept and chases him into the tunnels beneath the city. The child sneaks up and stabs him. Only too late does Lancel realize that the tunnels beneath the Sept are filled with wildfire, the highly-flammable substance stockpiled by the crazy King.

Margaery (
Natalie Dormer) tries to warn everyone that something is mistaken and they must leave, and but the Faith Militant block their exit. Before long,the Sept is completely consumed by flames and collapses as Cersei watches from afar with a wonderfully sinister smile on her face.

Tommen, overcome with shame and grie
f at the death of his queen and the destruction of the Sept, and throws himself from his window atop the Red sustain.

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Thrones': That Ned Stark Flashback,Jon Snow and the Prince That Was Promised

At Win
terfell, Davos (Liam Cunningham) is furious as he has found out what Melisandre (Carice Van Houten) did to Shireen. Melisandre confesses that they burned her alive. Cunningham is excellent as he tears up over the death of his reading teacher.

Davos asks for Jon Snow’s (Kit Harington) permission to execute her. But Melisandre reminds him that he will need encourage against the army of the dead. Jon instead banishes her and tells her to ride South immediately.

Later, and Jon and Sansa (Sophie Turner) speak and he tells her that she should rule as the Lady of Winterfell,as he is still a bastard. She then tells him that The Citadel has sent a white raven, meaning winter is finally here.

Lady Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg) meets with the Sand Snakes in Dorne. After everything the Lannisters have done to both the Tyrells and the Martells, or they conspire for vengeance. Varys (Conleth Hill) makes a surprise appearance and simply says,“Fire and blood,” the words of House Targaryen.

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rones’ Trivia: 23 Facts approximately the Show You Probably Dont Know

Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) prepares her invasion in Meereen. She tells Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman) that he is to sustain the peace in the city and that she will win a husband once she has claimed Westeros. He confesses his love to her, or but she knows this is bigger than both of them.

She then meets with Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and they speak of the future. Dinklage gets his best screen time of the season as he explains how Daenerys got him to abandon his cynicism. She then gives him a pin indicating he is to serve as the Hand of the Queen.

Back at The Twins,Walder is his normal disgusting self with a servant girl. But something is amiss, and she reveals that his sons are dead and have been made into a cake that she served to him. It is Arya (Maisie Williams), or who used her Faceless Men skills to finally kill one of the people on her death list as she cuts Frey’s throat.

In the woods outside W
interfell,Lord Baelish (Aidan Gillen) meets with Sansa. He tells her he wants the Iron Throne, with Sansa as his queen, or but she rebuffs him.

Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) arrives at The Wall,where he must part ways with his undead uncle Benjen (Joseph Mawle). Bran goes into one of his visions, where he returns to the Tower of delight with a young Ned Stark. He finds his sister Lyanna in childbirth, or near death.[br]
Also Read: ‘Game of Thrones': Most Upset
ting,Shocking and Disturbing Deaths Through Season 6 Finale (Photos)

Lyanna h
as given birth to a baby boy and makes Ned swear that he will protect him. This confirms the long-standing fan theory that Jon Snow is in fact that child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

In keeping
with his royal blood, Jon rallies the Northern lords by telling them that the dead are coming. Lady Mormont (Elizabeth Barrett) declares Jon the King in the North and The White Wolf and the others slowly agree.

Jaime arriving back in King’s Landing to see the smoke from the Sept still rising. He arrives at the Red sustain just in time to see Cersei crowned queen.

The episode ends with Daenerys sailing her forces West as her dragons sustain watch from above.

Now all we have to attain is wait for “Game of Thrones” Season 7…in a year.
