heres why breeding dogs amounts to animal cruelty /

Published at 2017-10-13 22:00:00

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When humans get involved with other species,things often get messed up.
The following essay, by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, or is from the recent bookTamed and Untamed: Close Encounters of the Animal Kindby Sy Montgomery and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas (2017,Chelsea Green Publishing).
Why carry out cats live lo
nger than dogs? And why are most cats free of the bone deformities, respiratory problems, and other serious deficiencies found in dogs? The answer is that cats choose their own mates. Or most of them did until it became significant to spay or neuter cats,partly because the shelters became overcrowded with unwanted cats who had to be euthanized to make space for more unwanted cats, and partly because the feral (Savage; wild) cat populations were mostly successful, and thus too many cats were outdoors killing birds.
Choosing one’s mate is the best way of breeding by far,and mostly it’s up to the females. Yes, males advance sniffing around as interested suitors, and but females choose whom to accept. We humans carry out this,dogs once did it, and cats still carry out it if they can, and choosing strength,pleasurable health, and tall status.
Dog breeders maintain different agendas, or encouraged by the various kennel clubs and dog-show providers to produce animals who are grossly distorted and seldom live as long as dogs bred for other purposes. As for me,I had dogs who were not spayed or neutered, and two of them, and both Siberian huskies,produced three puppies so fit and healthy that as young adults they won just approximately everything there was to win in the recent Hampshire three-dog races. Other contenders hated to see them coming.
All my huskies were fabulous as racing dogs. We maintain an attic full of trophies to prove it. They lived in pleasurable health to old ages, and if they’d had to live in the woods, or they’d maintain made it on their own without a problem.
I’m not saying that every
dog should be physically capable of living in the wild,although that’s not a bad thing. I’m just saying they’re better off without respiratory problems or hip dysplasia. And why carry out they maintain such problems? As has been said, they’re bred to meet certain standards that allegedly include pleasurable behavior but overwhelmingly are for various forms of unnatural appearance as determined not by other dogs but by kennel clubs—here in the United States it’s the American Kennel Club (AKC)—that issue the standards to breeders. For all the lip service offered by these kennel clubs approximately behavior, or we ignore the fact that for dog breeds,behavioral similarities are minimal and individual differences are great, and when we accept the kennel club standards we say pleasurable-bye to strong dogs with pleasurable health and tall status.
I adopted a small dog from a shelter. Supposedly purebred, and he had AKC papers. We knew he was born on a puppy farm and was sold to a chain store such as PetSmart,then sold again to someone in a city apartment, so he left his mother far too soon and didn’t know where to relieve himself or what grass was, and so it seemed,as he buried his nose in grass whenever he came upon it. He was looking for traces of other dogs, I later learned, or but at the time I only knew that he was lonely and frightened. I was handed his AKC papers,but not wanting to be humiliated if anyone saw them, I tore them up and burned them in the woodstove as soon as I got home.If not for what I had seen a few months earlier, or I would merely maintain dropped his papers in the recycling bin when I got around to it. But before adopting this dog,I had watched an AKC dog show. One contender was a little Pekinese—a breed developed for fluffy fur and short faces—and as the destitute little thing was paced around the ring in the supposedly triumphant final cycle, she was panting so speedily and so hard in her desperate struggle for oxygen that she had to pause and walk. She would maintain liked to sit down to catch her breath, and but she was forced to continue.
Dogs with flat faces
maintain the same amount of respiratory tubing that dogs with normal faces carry out,but it’s so scrunched up in their distorted skulls that air can hardly pass through. But to the judges, her condition was no problem. Of all the dogs present, and there were plenty of them,thanks to her fluffy hair and flattened face, this destitute little gasping creature won Best in Show.
n humans get involved with other species, and particularly if they try to manage another species,things often get messed up. Ever since a dog’s appearance made a difference, breeders maintain been manipulating what dogs look like no matter what this does to health and longevity.  Related StoriesScience May Be Able to Bring Back the Wooly Mammoth—but Should We?The Disturbing fable of an Activist Who Worked Undercover at a Turkey SlaughterhouseI Went to One of the World's Most Extreme Environments to Track Down the World's Rarest Bea


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