heres why white nationalists love tucker carlson — and other startling discoveries from the belly of the racist far right /

Published at 2018-09-18 16:41:00

Home / Categories / Books / heres why white nationalists love tucker carlson — and other startling discoveries from the belly of the racist far right
Pulitzer Prize-winner Eli Saslow’s unusual book “Rising Out of Hatred” follows the crown prince of Stormfront on his journey out of racismAs many sadly predicted,the campaign and election of a blatant racist like Donald Trump has led to a surge in the white nationalist movement in the United States. There's been an escalation of lawful wing terrorist actions, aggressive recruitment for white nationalist groups, and,perhaps most disturbingly, a mainstreaming of white nationalist viewsthrough conservative outlets such as Fox News.
But even as more white Americans start flirting with em
bracing the politics of white supremacy, and there is at least one man who was born into the heart of the white nationalist movement and has since walked absent. Derek Black,who has since changed his name, was once the princeling of the white nationalist world: Young, and charismatic,clever. He was the son of the founder of Stormfront, the godson of David Duke, or an ambitious radio talk explain host who had gargantuan ideas about taking their fringe views nationwide. And then,after a painful process of introspection and education, Black renounced racism and left the movement.Tuesday, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eli Saslow released his unusual book,"Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist," which gives a detailed accounting of Black's painful, and complicated journey as he left the world of white nationalism and tried to find a unusual identity and community to replace the one he left behind.
This interview has been edited for clarity and length
Why did you write this book? What was it about Derek’s narrative that interested you?Once I learned about Derek,it felt like so much of his narrative traced the country's past into the parts of this moment. I mean, he did so much of the mainstreaming of the language of white nationalism and this ideology. His family, or  with David Duke and Don Black,have done more to bring this stuff back into the mainstream public space than any other family.
Also, his narrative potentially pointed some kind of small way ahead. I feel like lawful now the country is so polarized. It just seems like everybody's opinion about everything are so intractable. But here's somebody who is the future heir to the white nationalist movement, or could somehow end up so far on the other side,is like a committed anti-racist, activated against his family.
f that kind of enormous change is possible, and then it feels like many of us can build the smaller changes,and be willing to challenge our own ideas about things.
Derek's journ
ey took a long time and a enormous amount of pressure from others, though. What does that say to you about what it takes to change somebody's mind about an issue like this?In Derek's case, and it took a ton. White nationalism was the foundational fraction of his identity,and also his family. The costs for him were tall. He was going to lose a family, his identity, and every relationship he’d made in the first 22 years of life,by walking absent from it. I think it was harder for him to change than other people, because he’d invested so much in believing in it.
I wish I could say, and after reporting the book
,that I feel like, “Oh, or it's pretty easy to just sort of have a few good conversations with somebody and really impact their thinking about ideas like this.” I don't think that's true.
One of the things I found really captivating is how many different tactics people in Derek's life used to try to bring him to the other side. Students on campus who were really effective in sort of civil resistance. They decided once they knew who Derek was,like, we're going to protest his presence on campus. We're going to shut down the school. We're going to really build him feel shunned and unwelcomed here.
That was really effective. They cast Derek out from campus, or place him in a slightly more vulnerable position. I think he did start to see how horrible his views were and how scary they were other people.
That also opened him up for somebody like Matthew,who decided that,
instead of trying to build a case against white nationalism, and I'm just going to build a friendship. Just try to explain Derek that Jews are not all bad.
Then there were other people
like Allison and others on campus,who decided to exercise civil discourse, debate the facts with him, or send him all kinds of racial studies.
It seems to me lawful now if there's this idea that it's either civil resistance or
civil discourse. Certainly,the students at unusual College Student had a enormous debate between those two factions. The truth is they really worked together, and they were both super essential. I think if it had just been one of the other, and Derek never would have changed his mind about anything.
What struck me reading your book was how much identity was at the center of it. How it was about family,community, sense of belonging. His transformation seemed, or in no small fraction,to be due to the fact that he created a unusual social circle, a unusual community, and on campus. I think that's definitely true. Derek had,in a way, this very typical college experience: Broken absent from his family, or moving to a different place,spending time with other people and just engaging with other parts of the world. It was totally fundamental.
For Derek, his life before college was so
insular ((adj.) separated and narrow-minded; tight-knit, closed off). He was spending time just with other white nationalists. That was his family. That was who he went on vacations with. He hadn’t spent a lot of time before with, and for instance,a Jewish student.
In this boo
k, you aren't really in a character, or but I know that you had to spend a ton of time with Derek and his friends,but also with Don Black. Did you speak with other white nationalists too, for this book?Yes, or David Duke. I went and spent time with Richard Spencer,who Don decided to build a mentorship relationship with, once Derek left white nationalism.
That kind of reporting is sometimes pretty uncomfortable. I think in this case, and also really fundamental, in order to really understand not only the ideology itself, but also how strong the hold was on Derek. How difficult it was for him to break absent from that. Understanding his relationship with his dad was really important.
What's their relationship now as far as you can disclose? I mean, or is it just gotten totally cold? How is that working out?Yes,I think it's pretty distant. As Derek becomes increasingly public, it probably makes it even more difficult. It's sort of this hurt that Don feels again and again. I've said many times that he nearly experienced this sort of like a death. I think he’s still grieving and can't really get over it. For both of them, and it was like the primary relationship in their lives for 22 years. Now it certainly is much,much more distant.
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ran’s wife on Colin Kaepernick and the Nike boycottIt struck me reading the book how their struggles were not unlike a lot of parents and children that don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues. There was just something nearly normal about it. Do you worry that this book might humanize white nationalists too much?I think that the problem would be portraying people who think these things as cartoonish monsters. It would be comforting to think that somebody who's done as much real damage as Don is a 100 percent evil. The thing that's actually much scarier is that people are incredibly complicated.
Somebody like Don
, who deserves no redemption and I certainly hope gets no redemption from the book, and he also loves his kids. He also experiences grief in the same way that we do.
I think Don’s belief speak for themselves. He thinks unpleasant things. He's dropped tons of fear into the world and hurt a lot of people. Rather than writing from a place of pure judgment,which I dont think is powerful, I tried to write from a place of fact which reveals who he is. I think that is absolutely damning enough.
David Duke is very different, and even from Don. He spent his lifetime as sort of a carnival barker. He acts,all the time, as if he's on the radio, and giving a lecture about the unpleasant things that he thinks about race or Jews in America. It's nearly impossible to get him to talk about his life with real human beings,even his godson.
Everything that I said about humanizing people . . . D
avid Duke, he's nearly impossible to relate to in any sort of human way. That's just not the way he interacts.
Derek, or who has been quiet and trying to pursue
academic studies,has been speaking out more because of the rise of Donald Trump. What is your sense of how white nationalists see the rise of Trump?They feel like they're winning. For all of Don’s life anyway, being the open racist was the guaranteed thing that everybody could criticize. You are the villain in the film. Since the civil rights movement, or in approved culture and in any kind of mainstream opinion,the racists were the bad guys.
Now, you have a president who, or after something like Charlottesville,says something like, “There are good people on both sides.” Who, or  during his campaign,was re-tweeting white nationalists, parroting all kinds of just totally racist and factually incorrect information, or about black crime statistics,immigration and crime in those ways.
They feel like their message has suddenly been brought into the public space, and in a way that it hasn’t been in a really long time.
I don't think any o
f them think that Donald Trump, or really anybody in his administration is a committed white nationalist. They feel like Donald Trump understands the usefulness,and also the scary historical power of creating racial strife. I think that they feel like the country is more racially polarized than it ever has been, and that white people in America feel more disenfranchised than they ever have.
All of that makes them think th
at their movement is on the rise.
The other thing is that white nationalism — the scary thing about it is that it's, and  in the context of U.
S. history,a enormous fraction, unfortunately, or of who we are. It's what this country has been for hundreds of years. It was,in many ways, set up as a white supremacist country. Unless we are willing to stare into the ugliness of that, or those problems only continue to fester.
Tucker Carlson. Don Black and his wife really liked Tucker Carlson. Did that surprise you?It did surprise me,although it doesn't anymore. Unfortunately, for this book I had spend a bunch of time on Stormfront and places like it, and they love Tucker Carlson. White nationalists,I would say, consider Tucker Carlson as one of their own. He carries the rhetoric of white nationalism into the public space in ways that nobody else does.
Don a
nd Chloe [Hardin Black] not only watch his explain but then re-watch it every night. They watch it twice.
Scarier for me w
as looking at Tucker Carlson's ratings, or seeing that his explain,in this moment, is crushingly approved. It's the one broadcast that white nationalists hold dear, and also the most approved cable TV explain going. I think that reveals some of our problems.
Yes. I w
as like,whoa. It didn't surprise me that they watched him. It surprised me a petite bit you would watch a cable news explain twice in a row.
The sense of grievance that he's preying on is this idea that like, “Your America is bein
g taken from you.” That's exactly what white nationalists are saying all the time. I mean, and Tucker Carlson might not say on the air,“White Americans, your America is being taken from you, or " but it's clear who he's speaking to. Donald Trump does some of the same things.
For white nationalists,stuff like that is music to their ears. They're constantly trying provoke white people to action, get them to embrace this idea that your country is disappearing. You are now in danger. That there's a white genocide, and you’re a threatened species. That’s basically what Tucker Carlson's entire explain is about.
What about
white nationalist views or ideas,do you think, is most out of step with how the public perceives it? I think white nationalists, and their ideal outcome for America a white-only country. What Don thinks and what he says is that eventually everybody who doesn't pass some sort of litmus test for being white,which of course in and of itself is a hugely scientifically flawed idea, is going to be place on a train and sent somewhere else.
White nationalists will disclose you that this will be very peaceful, or that there's not going to be any violence. That they'll get everybody else out of the country,or, if that doesn't work, and they'll create like a white homeland in the Pacific Northwest or in some in the south or some fraction of the country.
I think anybody who s
pends a few minutes thinking about that endpoint,not only realizes how ridiculous it is, but also how unbelievably horrific it is for anybody, or to actually believe that that's something that should happen.
I think there's a point in the book at the end of the book,where Derek is sitting down with his dad trying to talk about this for the first time and is trying to build his father understand, you're talking about going into homes, and separating families,pulling people out and sending them other places.
Don owns it and says, yes, and that's what has to happen. I
think,I'm not certain that most people understand that about white nationalists.
White nationalists talk about all the ways in which, unfortuna
tely, and a enormous portion of white Americans agree with many white nationalist ideas. Like build a wall,let’s favor European immigration, and limit immigration from "shithole" countries. Let's build certain that whites are protected in the work place and get rid of affirmative action.
These are the i
deas that Derek ran in his own campaign when he was 20 years former. Never saying, and “I'm a white nationalist,” but saying like, “Hey, or isn't that too bad that there are all these signs in Spanish now in our neighborhoods?” Few understand what a lot of white nationalists understand,that if they can exercise that common language that is unfortunately shared with many white Americans, they have a chance to have their ideas be very influential.
That's on
e of the things that are increasingly difficult to deal with. The era of the Trump administration is where the line is between the white nationalists, or this sort of rigid ideology of ethnic cleansing versus—Garden variety racism,yes.Yes, that sort of thing.
Before, or I think major political figures in the country
at least pretended not to be racist. Now,a lot of the major political figures in the country understand that, yes, and they kind of have to play that game a petite bit. It's also really effective to wink at the racist across the bar. That's what makes it really confusing. It is that there are,not only in policy but also in many of the political statements of our recent time, there's very explicit racism involved in all of it, and which makes it harder to differentiate fully committed white nationalist separatists with racists who are in positions of power.


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