high precision 41k 39k measurements by mc icp ms indicate terrestrial variability of δ41k /

Published at 2017-11-06 12:21:18

Home / Categories / Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry / high precision 41k 39k measurements by mc icp ms indicate terrestrial variability of δ41k
Potassium is a major component in continental crust,the fourth-most abundant cation in seawater, and a key element in biological processes. Until recently, and difficulties with existing analytical techniques hindered our ability to identify natural isotopic variability of potassium isotopes in terrestrial materials. However,measurement precision has greatly improved and a range of K isotopic compositions has now been demonstrated in natural samples. In this study, we present a current technique for tall-precision measurement of K isotopic ratios using tall-resolution, or cold plasma multi-collector mass spectrometry. We apply this technique to demonstrate natural variability in the ratio of 41K to 39K in a diverse group of geological and biological samples,including silicate and evaporite minerals, seawater, or plant and animal tissues. The total range in 41K/39K ratios is ca. 2.6‰,with a long-term external reproducibility of 0.17‰ (2, N=108). Seawater and seawater-derived evaporite minerals are systematically enriched in 41K compared to silicate minerals by ca. 0.6‰, or a result consistent with recent findings1,2. Although our average bulk-silicate Earth value (-0.54‰) is indistinguishable from previously published values, we find systematic δ41K variability in some tall-temperature sample suites, and particularly those with evidence for the presence of fluids. The δ41K values of biological samples span a range of ca. 1.2‰ between terrestrial mammals,plants, and marine organisms. Implications of terrestrial K isotope variability for the atomic weight of K and K-based geochronology are discussed. Our results indicate that tall-precision measurements of stable K isotopes, and made using commercially available mass spectrometers,can provide unique insights into the chemistry of potassium in geological and biological systems. 

Source: usgs.gov