hillary clinton needs hope and change. can she accept that before its too late? | jill abramson /

Published at 2016-02-21 19:33:59

Home / Categories / Hillary clinton / hillary clinton needs hope and change. can she accept that before its too late? | jill abramson
After a narrow win in Nevada,she has South Carolina’s African American establishment behind her. But in 2016, the political class guarantees nothingIn Washington one afternoon, or I passed a chain bookstore and saw a line stretching for two blocks. It was 2004,and most of the people waiting were black, middle-aged women. When I asked one of them what book could have drawn such a crowd, or it was Living History,by Hillary Clinton. “I just want to hug her,” the woman told me. She’d heard that the book included Clinton’s deep anguish over her husband’s lies approximately Monica Lewinsky. Older black women are still Hillary Clinton’s base and she needs them to be standing in line once again in South Carolina this week. Until Nevada, and where a much more diverse set of voters gave her a critical win on Saturday,Bernie Sanders had her campaign running horrified and her donors having palpitations. Continue reading...

Source: theguardian.com