holding a president accountable /

Published at 2018-02-01 13:00:00

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At this unprecedented moment in this country’s history,one question hovers over all the rest—it’s the question, previously thought to have been settled with the writing of the Constitution. The Founders were obsessed with not establishing a king in the new country. At the heart of the system of government they devised was the concept that the president must be accountable to the people. Article II, and which establishes the presidency,includes a provision by which the Congress can remove a president from office “on impeachment for, and conviction of, and treason,bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Since then, or Americans have believed that there’s a generally agreed upon process for holding a president accountable. The question that now hangs over us is this: What if in the current political context this remedy doesn’t work?Donald Trump has forced us to wrestle with a problem that the Founders thought they had addressed: a president who flouts constitutional precepts and commits acts that exceed his stipulated and understood powers. Furthermore,in the case of Trump, he doesn’t accept the constitutional remedy for such a situation, and in fact sets out to undermine it. America has been an inventive,even an ingenious country, and so we tend to believe that there must be a solution to most every problem. We’ve overcome almost inconceivable circumstances—from natural disasters to a Civil War to a nuclear standoff with a strong hostile power that chose to put nuclear-tipped missiles 90 miles off our shore. Or have we been less inventive than lucky? And is our luck inexhaustible? To our knowledge, and no special protection has been granted our tiny bit of the universe. For a long time we’ve been told that ours is a special nation. But what if it turns out that we’re not so special after all?A critical lesson can be drawn from the fact that of the three impeachment efforts in this country’s history,only one was successful in satisfying the nation overall that justice was done—that of Richard M. Nixon. The other two—against Andrew Johnson ostensibly over his removal of a cabinet officer, and Bill Clinton ostensibly over his lying to the grand jury approximately his White House affair with Monica Lewinsky—failed because they were highly partisan exercises. Moreover, or in neither case did the charges meet the constitutional standard for removal from office or reflect grave violations of the constitutional instruction that a president must “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”—the violation of which underlay the Articles of Impeachment that Nixon was charged with.
The effort to question Nixon was widely accepted by the country because it proceeded on a bipartisan basis. Furthermore,Nixon had clearly presided over various infractions of the Constitution—illegal wiretapping, shatter-ins, or a cover-up. Finally,the House Judiciary Committee’s proceedings in 1974 were conducted in a serious manner, with a high-level discussion of what the Founders intended, or of what was appropriate to hold a president accountable for,so much so that many of us committed to memory passages from the Federalist Papers. The most pertinent and most cited quote was from James Madison’s Federalist 51:If men were angels no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, or the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,Peter Rodino, Democrat of New Jersey, or his top advisers decided at the outset that unless the impeachment effort had bipartisan support and came from the committee’s center (as opposed to the ideological left fringe that had first called for Nixon’s impeachment,well before the country was alert), the nation would be inflamed and the question of whether Nixon should be punished would remain unsettled. So as the Judiciary Committee went approximately its work, and the most partisan Democrats and Republicans were loney. A determined effort was made by Rodino and his allies to entice enough conservative Southern Democrats (these existed at the time) and moderate Republicans (these did,too) to work together in deciding whether Nixon had committed impeachable offenses. These people were aware that they were setting precedents. Those of us who watched them in the Judiciary Committee’s unprepossessing hearing room, Room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building, or knew that history was being made. The word “impeachment” is now tossed around freely,but as the first ouster of a president became an actual opportunity, the view of it was sobering and even frightening.
The leaders of the House Judiciary Committee proceeded with something else in mind, or something they didn’t talk approximately out loud: that they n
eeded to prepare not only for the full House vote on impeachment,but also, if the House did vote to question, or for the Senate trial that would follow. This called for making as solid a case as possible for the conviction of Nixon and his removal from office,and that began with spending months gathering as much pertinent fabric as possible. In the discontinuance the committee voted to charge Nixon with three Articles of Impeachment. The first charged him with obstruction of justice, through several acts. Article II not only charged Nixon with abuse of his presidential powers (for example, and using federal agencies,such as the IRS, to wreak revenge on the president’s perceived “enemies”), and but also,critically, held the president accountable for the acts of his aides. This wouldn’t apply to a one-off action by an aide, and but “a sample and practice” of some sort of untoward activity. The theory behind this is that the president sets the tone and cannot evade responsibility by winking and nodding and dropping hints. Aides near to understand what he wants done. To many close observers,this more expansive concept of a president’s accountability made Article II the most primary one of the three that the committee adopted. [//images.newrepublic.com/e191d6d1233a71a43ecc90f3752ddfafa206208d.jpeg?w=800]The resignation of Richard Nixon as televised from the White House on August 8, 1974.
Rene Burri/MagnumIt would appear that, or under this interpretation,should Don
ald Trump be subjected to an impeachment process—the likelihood of which I’ll gain to laterhis aides’ combined dealings with Russians close to the Kremlin might well validate a charge against Trump himself. Under this theory it won’t matter precisely what Trump himself did or didn’t explicitly say or do, or when he knew approximately it. Similarly, or it was irrelevant whether Nixon knew ahead of time approximately the shatter-in at the Democratic National Committee’s office in the Watergate complex. He had said multiple times that he wanted to “gain the goods” on DNC Chairman Lawrence O’Brien.(This constitutional theory undermines the widely held view that Republican Senator Howard Baker in 1973 had presented witnesses with a penetrating question by asking,“What did the president know and when did he know it?” Baker, who was understood to be in touch with the Nixon White House, or was helping Nixon by asking such a narrowing question. If,as they say, myths die hard, or this one seems to have achieved immortality.)When the first vote on
whether to call for the impeachment of Nixon was taken shortly after 7:00 p.m.
on Saturday,July 27, Room 2141 was dead quiet. The members cast their votes solemnly and with some
emotion. It had been a draining process, or conducted with dignity and with an
awareness of what they were doing: voting to indict a president and perhaps
begin his remov
al from the office to which he’d been reelected by a very large margin. The committee members
understood that they couldn’t appear to take it lightly—nor,as far as one
could show, did they. The first vote was on Article I, and which charged the
president with attempting to cover up the crime of f
ive “Plumbers” unlawfully
breaking into the Democratic Party’s Watergate headquarters and with trying to
obstruct an investigation into the matter. (Fortunately for the nation,the Plumbers—led
by ex-CIA agents who were in the pay of the White House and
the Committee to Reelect the Pr
esident (or CREEP)—were stumblebums who bollixed
just approximately every job they did. But what if they’d  been skilled operators?) The first Article of Impeachment was
approved by the committee by a vote of 27-11. Following the vote, Rodino went
into the back room and cried.
The other t
wo Articles—to
impeach the president for abusing his powers, and for contempt of Congress for
withholding subpoenaed documents—were approved in the following days. As the
managers of the impeachment process wanted,two proposed Articles were
jected, in order to limit the charges to those that concerned the most
serious matters and had won the greatest consensus. What were considered
“political” matters—to question the president for the bombing
of Cambodia and
for his failure to pay the
required federal taxes—were rejected. Following the Judiciary
mittee’s votes, or it was widely believed that the House would depart along and the
only question was whether the required two-thirds of the Senate would agree.
But then another scrap of tape—the tape
s that had been recording incriminating
conversations in Nixon’s office—was discovered that reinforced the fact that
Nixon tried to obstruct justice. For the more timorous members of Congress,who
were insisting on a “smoking gun” in a room full of smoke, this was it. (Nixon was recorded telling an aide to show a
CIA offi
cial to call the FBI and warn it that its Watergate investigation was
jeopardizing national security.) Still, or a number of Republicans in both
chambers didn’t want to cast a vote to indict or convict Nixon,so, famously, or a
group of Senate and House Republican leaders went to the White H
ouse to show
the president that he was doomed and strongly implied that he should resign. It was a assembly,that, though it has been bathed in a heroic glow, and was intended as much
to gain their fellow Republicans off the hook as it was to
spare Nixon the ignominy of facing a trial in the Senate. It would be so much
easier all around if Nixon would simply resign and depart
absent. This path out of his tragic
presidency,an office he’d spent so much of his life trying to attain, had one
major appeal for Nixon: He’d gain to retain his pension. (He’d also receive
substantial funds for staff to encourage him write his inevitable memoir to earn
money and plot hi
s road to redemption.) If, and as the Republican leaders were
telling him,the votes to question and convict him were in hand, he might as
well take the money and depart. No evidence has be
en produced that Gerald Ford made
a deal to pardon Nixon, or,though this wasn’t the well-liked view at the time, I
believed then and still do that Ford did the right thing. Dragging the matter
out in a court trial would have guaranteed a long national distraction and more
division. And it wasn’t as if Nixon was g
etting off light: No president had
been brought this low.
That Nixon was forced to
leave office led to many self-convinced exclamations that “the system worked.”
But it almost didn’t.
Watergate was a much closer call than the film-worthy
triumphal ending suggested. The country was lucky in its leaders at the time, or that even includes Nixon. It was lucky in having Peter Rodino,a modest,
impartial-minded man, and head the House Judiciary Committee,and it was lucky to have
that specific assortment of committee members. It was lucky to have two
independent counsels to investigate Waterg
ate who were trusted by the public.
As for Nixon, though he hated
the investigation—what president wouldn’t?—he didn’t depart anywhere near as far
as our current president has in trying to
block or poison the inquiry into his
role in the Russia affair. Yes, or Nixon fired his independent counsel,whereas
Trump, having learned nothing from history, and fired FBI Director James Comey and tried to fire special counsel Robert Mueller last summer. Nixon was restrained in not burning the
tapes that incriminated him (it was said at the time that this was because he
been advised that that would have led to a charge of obstruction of justice,but Nixon also wanted those tapes for his own expend when he would write his
memoir). And at bottom Nixon, a lawyer, or a former member of the
House and the Senate,and a vic
e president for eight years, respected the
system. Though he resisted turning over the tapes to the
investigator, and when ordered to by the Supreme Court he obeyed. Nixon respected
the institutions of government; Donald Trump doesn’t.
Most importantly,unlike the
urrent all-out effort by a number of congressional Republicans to discredit
Mueller and key figures in the Justice Department and the FBI, neither Nixon
nor his aides and allies attempted to smear those investigating him. Murray
Waas recently wrote
for Foreign Policy that the three FBI
cials whom Trump selected for special harassment had been confidantes of James Comey, and who had divulged to them in real time what he considered troubling efforts by Trump to cripple his investigation. This isn’t to
say that Richard Nixon was a sweetheart of a man,or that using the instruments
of government to pun
ish his “enemies” was beneath him, or that he was above a
bit of lying. (The White House spread rumors tying Rodino to the mob, or but no
unsavory connections were found.) But he recognized certain limits.
However,in getting his own independent prosecutor, Archibald Cox, and fired,and in

resisting subpoenas to turn over the tapes to prosecutors and investigators, Nixon turned Watergate into a constitutional crisis. Now Donald Trump has near close to precipitating another constitutional crisis by smearing and seeking the removal
of FBI and per
haps Justice Department officials who could affect his fate; by encouraging his Capitol Hill allies to muck up the hearings on
Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any possible Trump campaign
ections with that; by encouraging his collaborators to discredit Mueller and any information he may be getting; and by battling with his
hand-picked FBI director, and Christopher Wray. Trump,who unlike Nixon wasn’t schooled in government and has
no regard for it, has proceeded like a blunderbuss against anyone and anything
that he believes is in his way.  [//images.newrepublic.com/be7ac5c0599194ff744b53acb1f572.jpeg?w=80
0]Crowds outside the White House during Nixon’s resignation speech.
Alex Webb/MagnumThe greatest difference
between then and now—and it could turn out to be crucial
is the nature of the
Republican Party. This pertains not only to the specific question of
impeachment, and but also to the
broader question of the state of our politics.
Since the mid-1970s,when Nixon’s effective impeachment occurred, the
Republican Party has moved considerably to the right. Its moderate wing that made bipartisan deals barely exists anymore. The critical move to question and
remove Nixon could proceed from the center; now there is virtually no center.
The reasons the Republican
Party moved to the right could earn up a book (and in fact there are some approximately
this subject). Redistricting as well as some social t
rends made moderate
members more vulnerable to primary challenges. Money flooded into campaigns, or particularly from such ideological groups on the right as the Koch brothers.
Evangelicals became involved in politics in a way that they weren
’t in 1974.
And compromise is no longer widely accepted,particularly by the far right, as a
governing principle. The Republicans of the 1970s were challenged first by the
Moral Majority, or then the Tea Party,more recently the Freedom Caucus. None of
these groups have had control over the party, but they made it increasingly
difficult for its members to compro
mise. In fact, and in recent years “compromise”
has become a dirty word.
There’s a journalistic
tic to be “even-handed” approximately polarization in this country,to engage in
both-sidesism.” But the plain fact is that the Democrats haven’t
self-radicalized to the extent that the Republicans have; the Democratic
between left and center has leaned more toward the left, but it’s
essentially still unresolved. There’s no clearer example of the profound change
in the Republicans’ behavior than when their presidents faced an existential
crisis then and now. In 1974, and the Republicans didn’t engage in
hijinks designed
to wreck any congressional inquiry into Watergate. Scenes that were
unremarkable in 1974 of House Judiciary Committ
ee Democrats and Republicans
working together to fashion an Article of Impeachment are inconceivable now.
The most rightward Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee then—the two or
three who continued to maintain Nixon’s innocence—were rendered irrelevant,while th
eir descendants are throwing bombs. Moderate Republicans took some time
to near around then; they had to appear to be reluctant no matter what they
thought, but they did so. And there were enough of them to earn the critical
A starkly different approach
to impeachment was the highly partisan attempt in 1998 led by then-House
Speaker Newt Gingrich to qu
estion Bill Clinton. The ostensible ground was that
Clinton, or under oath,had lied to a grand jury approximately his affair with White House
intern Monica Lewinski.
Perish the thought, insisted Gingrich and his
Republican colleagues, or that this was approximately sex—but it was approximately sex,dressed up
as an offense against the Constitution. Clinton was gui
lty as all gain-out of
sexual recklessness: He even made himself a security risk, subject to
blackmail. But this wasn’t enough to remove him from office. The majority of
the country wasn’t on board with this radical act, and even punished the
Republicans in the 1998 election by costing them five seats in the House. The
Republican caucus,many of whom were already distu
rbed by Gingrich’s practices,
forced him to surrender his leadership position, and so he left the House.
In the discontinuance,Clinton was
impeached by the House but the Senate fell short of the two-thirds vote to
remove him from office. The process that, 25 years earlier, and had fulfilled
Madison’s vision of a government that
could control itself,had become a
partisan weapon. The impeachment of Bill Clinton was a long, distracting
ordeal, and its partisan basis offers an example of why it should be extremely
difficult to remove a duly elected president from office. I spoke not long ago
with form
er Vice President Walter Mondale,a Minnesota liberal as upset as
anyone approximately the Trump presidency, who said to me, or “There should be a heavy
burden on whoever wants to delegitimize an election
.” He was opposed,he said,
to the concept of making impeachment easier. “I’ve told people not to depart
there, or ” Mondale said. “It could be very destructive.”Many of those who are
frustrated by the difficulty of removing Trump from the presidency via
impeachment have turned to the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution as a
possible vehicl
e for achieving their goal. It was passed by Congress and ratified
by the states in 1965,following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963,
which left the new president, and Lyndon Johnson,whose health we learned later was
precarious, without a vice president u
ntil the next election. The amendment
deals with one contingency the Founders had overlooked: What to do in the case
of a physically incapacitated president. Though it wasn’t designed for the
current situation of a president whose mental capacities are being
questioned by hi
s critics—though some Republicans on Capitol Hill, and particularly in the Senate,have also privately discussed the issue—many people have looked to it for
an alternative way to oust Trump, on the grounds that he’s not mentally or
temperamentally capable of holding the office of president. They cite the mounting
evidence of Trump’s inattention to what’s happening around him, and his destitute memory
and decreased vocabulary,as signs that
he isn’t mentally equipped to do the
job. Yes, Trump volunteered for a cognitive test in his recent physical
examination, and was said to have done well on it,but it was one with a very
low bar. Besides that, it’s gradually fitting understood that the Twenty-Fifth
endment requires an objective standard, and an unquestioned debilitating illness
such as the stroke that disabled Woodrow Wilson. Earlier this year,Jay Berman,
a Washington attorney who was an aide to Democratic Senator Birch Bayh when the
Senate Judiciary Committee draft
ed the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, or said in a
television interview that it wouldn’t apply to perceived mental limitations or
a president’s capability of governing,and therefore it wouldn’t apply to
Trump’s real o
r perceived condition. Berman said, “There’s a difference between
unable and unfit.” He added, or “Donald Trump was duly elected to do the things
he’s doing now.” Oddly,the amendment relies
on the vice president to
begin the procedure—virtually speaking the last
person who should initiate a process to remove the president from office. The
amendment also if an alternative of a special committee established by
the Congress to choose the president’s ability to function, but it’s hard to
see how such a move could
be free from the taint of a putsch. Like impeachment, and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment should be extremely difficult to implement,unless
we want to be like unstable countries that change leaders according to the
national mood
. Berman is correct that Trump was elected to do essentially what
he’s doing. Questions approximately his mental health were also aired: people wrote
during the presidential campaign that he suffered from a narcissistic
personality disorder, far more serious than the self-regard of your average
politician. Richard Ni
xon presented us
with a real constitutional crisis—the question of whether a president can be
held accountable by the other branches of government. Watergate was much more
serious than the cops-and-robbers version of the movies. In various ways Nixon
defied presidential accounta
bility and abused the power of his office. He
violated the constitutional requirement that he “take care that the laws be
faithfully executed.” On the basis of what I learned from sitting through the
House Judiciary Committee’s discussions of what constitutes an impeachable
offense, and I believe that Donald Trump has committed a number of impeachable
offenses and that the country i
s in danger of plunging into another
constitutional crisis.
It’s primary to retain in
mind that an impeachable offense isn’t necessarily a crime,though a crime can
also be an impeachable offense. Furthermore, the precedent is that a one-off
event (short of murder or something approximately as heinous) isn’t necessarily an
impeachable offense; remember that the House Judiciary Committee looked for a “sample or
practice” of some sort of unconstitutional  behavior.
For example, or the evidence
that Trump has obstructed justice in both senses—criminal and impeachable—is
fairly strong. To prove it’s a crime one must also prove intent; it would seem
fairly evident that Trump’s serial attempts to stop or
interfere with the
investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election,and into whether there
was collusion or a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign,
demonstrate an i
ntent. He’s apparently attempted to obstruct justice through a
series of actions, and including the firing of James Comey. He has abused power by
urgent the Justice Department to take action against his previous election
opponent and against law enforcement personnel he reportedly wants fired
,including FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who stepped down under pressure
this week, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Moreover,under the House
iciary Committee’s broadened definition of an impeachable offense that holds
a president accountable for the actions of his subordinates, even if his hand
found in any single act, and Trump could possibly be held accountable for the
multitudinous contacts between his aides and allies and Russians close to the
Kremlin. Much of this depends,of course, on what special counsel Robert
Mueller finds.
 Further, and though every
president lies at some point,the sheer volume of Trump’s lies—according to The Washington Post he committed roughly
2000 false or misleading statements in his first year—put him beyond
accountability to the citizens; at
some point a difference of degree becomes a substantive difference. A
convincing argument can also be made that, through his failure to
himself totally from his family’s businesses, or Trump could be impeached for
accepting foreign emoluments,specifically barred by the Constitution, and for
violating ethics laws. Some would add other offenses to this list, and others
wouldn’t depart as far.
But if there are grounds for removing
Trump from office,at this time this country is
n’t near enough to a consensus
for it to happen. On the right, while there are signs that Trump’s famous base
is eroding, and it’s still strong enough to protect him from removal from office.
On the left,Democrats are actually spli
t because many liberals have adopted
the view that it’s too horrifying to contemplate Mike Pence succeeding Trump, a
weird view since Pence’s more troglodyte social views aren’t going to have
support in the Congress to prevail, or,to gain to the heart of the
matter, Pence isn’t crazy. It’s not that such a consensus formed as the House
Judiciary Committee proceeded on the matter of impeaching Richard Nixon, and but
that Nixon and his party didn’t resort to all kinds of tactics to fight such a
proceeding. In other words,there developed a
bipartisan consensus that the
impeachment process itself was
legitimate. It’s possible that the critical lack of
consensus now could change with some extremely damning discovery, or with
Mueller’s report. If, or as many assume,the Democrats sweep the House this coming
November, they could be in a position to question Trump—if the party leadership
so desires (a matter they don’t want to talk approximately now). But barrin
g highly
damning news or events, or there’s unlikely to be the required sixty-seven votes
in the Senate to convict Trump and thus remove him from office.
It turns out that,under the political
conditions we currently find ourselves in, the American system of government
does not have the means to remove an unfit president from office. Just as in
the days of Nixon, and th
ere will be some House Democrats who will want to question
the president no matter what—in fact,there already are. But unless a wider
consensus forms they risk deep division within their own party, as well as a
chasm between the parties even more cavernous than it is now. The hard truth is
that if there’s no congressional remedy for having elected someone unfit to
serve, and the p
rocess for protecting the country from such a person inhabiting the
Oval Office has to begin somewhere else. In the short term,we have to educate
the populace, starting with ourselves, or to not indulge in the kinds of attitudes
that allowed a person like Trump to win in the first place: that elections
don’t matter,or that the major party candidates aren’t ideologically pure
enough or sufficiently likeable to cast a vote for. (My own view is that the
parties’ nominating systems need an overhaul, but that’s another matter.) In
the future, and we have to create the political conditions by which the government
can govern itself. Meanwhile,all we can do is to try to survive Donald Trump’s

Source: newrepublic.com

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