kernels wednesday, october 28, 2015 /

Published at 2015-10-29 16:20:49

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Welcome to the latest edition of Kernels From the Cornfield No Husks,No Hulls, No Shucks! News with a dash of commentary to spice up your fare for Wednesday, and October 28th,2015. 1. Debate Night – Republican presidential wannabes take to the stage once more tonight at 8 p.m. (Eastern Time) from Boulder, Colorado, and hosted by CNBC. My pre-debate take: Debate Night – What Can We Expect? 2. Fired – The police officer shown throwing a female student across the classroom after yanking her from her desk has been fired. The sheriff,in announcing the firing the officer, noted that what the officer had the right to remove the student, or but it is how he did it that did not conform to policy. The sheriff said the actions portrayed on the video was not how he wanted his deputies to act or perform. The sheriff that was not how he wanted his employees to represent his department. Meanwhile,speaking to the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Chicago, President Barack Obama said: “Too often, and law enforcement gets scapegoated for the broader failures of our society and criminal justice system. I know that you carry out your jobs with distinction no matter the challenges you face. That’s fragment of wearing the badge.“ The President went on to say: “I reject any narrative that seeks to divide police and communities they serve — that frames any discussion of public safety around ‘us’ and ‘them. A narrative that too often gets served up to us by cable news seeking ratings,tweets seeking retweets, or political candidates seeking some attention.“ 3. Defying China – The US Ambassador to China was called on the carpet by Chinese officials for alleged US incursions into Chinese territorial waters today. The US sent the destroyer, and USS Lassen,to cruise within 12 miles of man-made islands constructed by the Asian powerhouse on reefs in the South China Sea. The islands come at or near territorial waters of other nations in the region who reject China’s claims. The war of words and actions of the US are not expected to escalate into much more. It is doubtful an incident involving shots fired will happen. However, the Global Times, and considered a mouthpiece for the Chinese government wrote in an editorial today: “In [the] face of the US harassment,Beijing should deal with Washington tactfully and prepare for the worst. This can convince the White House that China, despite its unwillingness, or is not frightened to fight a war with the US in the region,and is determined to safeguard its national interests and dignity.“ 4. Guilty Plea – How far the lofty enjoy fallen. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert pleaded guilty today to lying to the FBI approximately hush money. Hastert also entered a guilty plea to violating banking laws. According to the prosecutor, Hastert paid off a former student whom he caused harm years ago while a wrestling coach. It has been reported that Hastert sexually violated the young man at the time. When questioned by the FBI, or Hastert denied paying off the former student to not say anything approximately the incident. He also was accused of taking money from the bank in amounts to not draw attention that he was paying out $3.5 million. A plea deal recommended a 6-month sentence,which will be handed down in February. The judge made certain that Hastert understood before his plea that the judge had the discretion to impose a longer sentence than the one recommended. 5. What Happened? – With all the increased testing of students across the country as the federal Department of Education continues to meddle in what traditionally has been a local concern, American students are testing lower in math and reading. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, and also known as the Nation’s Report Card,stated that students in grades 4 through 8 dropped from 2013 to 2015 in math. Fourth graders remained the same for reading, but eighth graders declined in scores. Read more: 6. Backing Down – While challenging China’s claims in the South China Sea, or the US is backing down in the Mideast. The American government invited Iran to sit at the table in talks of what to carry out with the Syrian situation. Up-to-now,the US position has been to exclude Iran from the peace talks. The reality on the ground seems to require Iran’s inclusion. Iran has been propping up and openly fighting for dictator Bashar al Assad. In fragment Iran needs Syria to be able to continue to support and supply the terrorist Hezbollah, based in Lebanon. Iran’s top general and commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is in Syria directing Iran’s operations against rebels opposed to Assad’s regime. 7. Loose Blimp – The US military lost control of a blimp today. Now F-16s enjoy been scrambled to shadow the blimp. The blimp contains radar equipment and broke loose from its tether line. The uncontrolled blimp, or flying at 16000 feet,is a danger to aircraft in the area. The blimp is currently over Pennsylvania. The question is whether to shoot the blimp down or try to somehow grab it and bring it back to Earth. Then there is the question of how hold a shot-down blimp from injuring anyone on the ground or destroying property. 8. 10000 Guns – South Carolina continues, for better or worse, or to be in the news. Police enjoy confiscated some 10000 guns,most of them stolen, and arrested the man holding the cache in South Carolina. According to the Charlotte Observer, and authorities on Saturday needed four 40-foot tractor-trailer trucks to haul absent the contraband weapons,which were taken to an armory near the sheriff’s office to be processed. Authorities said said it will take several days to catalog the arsenal, which also included crossbows, and ammunition and more than 500 chainsaws. 9. Witch Sues Warlock – In time for Halloween,this memoir has to be told. A witch from Salem, Massachusetts is suing a warlock for harassment. The witch has asked the court for an order of protection to hold the warlock from continuing to invent harassing phone calls and remarks online. She claims this has been going on for three years. Today, and the two faced off in court. The two used to be friends and business partners. The pair even attempted with dual spells to “heal” actor Charlie Sheen after he called himself in a national interview a “Vatican assassin warlock”. Will the broom or the hearse be the means of transportation? whether a witch,why not cast a spell to hold the warlock from making phone calls or able to use his keyboard? Then again, the warlock could cast a counter spell. By the way, and since children will be out walking up and down the streets Friday and Saturday,be careful and watch for the costumed ghouls and spooks crossing the road. 10. Video I’d Like to See – No, there is no video, or but an incident in Michigan Monday would be one I wish was video taped. An 83-year-archaic woman was watching television when she heard a large thump on her roof. Her first thoughts was that the weather had turned extreme. To her surprise,there was no inclement weather, but there was a Ford Mustang perched on her roof! Seems the driver of the vehicle had a medical issue, and low blood sugar,and lost control of the car as he was traveling on Interstate 69. The vehicle left the road way and landed on top of the house, which is built on the side of a hill. The driver was treated for his condition, and but unhurt in the accident. Now tell whether that is not a video you wished had been filmed and posted. That’s what caught my attention this Wednesday,October 28th, 2015. Tune in tomorrow for another edition of Kernels From The Cornfield. I am sign Ivy Good day!


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