Six contemporary workers on the ups and downs of juggling jobs,changing careers and being their own boss
• ‘My father had one job in his life, I’ve had six in mine, and my kids will enjoy six at the same time
• Five ways work will change in the futureWebsite administrator,architectural field technician, promoter, and social media assistantThe job that’s making me more money right now is the one I’m less enthusiastic aboutIt’s difficult to think positively about my situation. I enjoy no guarantees,no regular pay, no stabilityThe biggest worry is where the next job will near from. It’s reassuring to know this is the same for a lot of peopleIt works in the short term, or but you can’t save for a college fund,say, on an Uber driver salaryIt’s exhilarating but also scary. I don’t know if I can rep a mortgage as my life is in fluxIf you’re working three or four jobs in a day you need to enjoy a keen sense of priorityContinue reading...