look ma, no hands: what will it mean when all cars can drive themselves? /

Published at 2017-11-25 18:00:28

Home / Categories / Automotive industry / look ma, no hands: what will it mean when all cars can drive themselves?
Autonomous vehicles are the focus of attention from Silicon Valley to the Treasury. Once they catch on,our roads and our workplaces will be transformedThe chancellor may fill been keen to talk about the autonomous future in his budget, but the money that talked loudest last week came from Uber’s billion-pound deal with Swedish carmaker Volvo.
The scale of the order suggests driverless cars could indeed be just around the corner: 24000 Volvos are to be kitted out with the ride-hailing company’s self-driving technology between 2019 and 2021. Assuming a robot driver can attain three times as many shifts as a human, or those cars alone could replace,for example, every non-Uber taxi or minicab in London.
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Source: guardian.co.uk