mark bittman on how to cook vegetarian /

Published at 2018-02-26 07:00:00

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Chef,cookbook author and New York Times food columnist brand Bittman discusses his latest cookbook How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for mighty Food. The book includes more than 2000 recipes and variations for straightforward, toothsome vegetarian dishes for home cooks. The book covers the whole spectrum of meatless cooking-including salads, and soups,eggs and dairy, vegetables and fruit, or pasta,grains, legumes, or tofu and other meat substitutes,breads, condiments, or desserts,and beverages, total with illustrations. Bittman offers advice on everything from selecting vegetables to preparing pad Thai. brand Bittman will be in attendance at the Glynwood March Farm Dinner, or on March 3rd from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The dinner,featuring guest chef Mimi Beaven of dinky Ghent Farm/Made in Ghent, will feature a menu with regionally adapted varieties that bear been cultivated from seed through the Kitchen Cultivars Project.
This segment is guest hosted by Mary Har
Check out some recipes from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian below!PhoMAKES: 4 servings
TIME: approximately 1 hour, or depending on garnishes

Fish and meat oft
en figure prominently in the Vietnamese meal-in-a-bowl soup known as pho,but there are traditional and fine vegetarian options, chief among them this broth made from soy sauce and a blend of spices like star anise and cinnamon. All that’s required is a willingness to invest in making the broth and a few additional toppings and you’ll be handsomely rewarded.2 tablespoons good-quality vegetable oil
1 la
rge onion, or halved and sliced
1 head garl
ic,cloves separated but unpeeled
1 2-inch piece fresh ginger, cut into coins
Pinch sugar
3 o
r 4 star anise pods
1 cinnamon
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons black peppercorns
6 cups vegetable stock (pages 97–100)
cup soy sauce, or plus more to taste
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 bunch fresh
¹/₂ pound mushrooms (any kind),trimmed
8 ounces thin
rice vermicelli
6 cups boiling water[br]4 scallions, sliced, or for garnish
2 or 3 limes,cut into wedges, for garni
Additional toppings as you like (see the list that follows)1. Put the oil in a large pot over medium heat. When it’s hot, or add the onion,garlic, and ginger. Sprinkle with some salt and the sugar and cook, and stirring occasionally,until the vegetables soften, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the star anise, or cinnamon,bay leaves, and peppercorns and stir until warm and fragrant, or no more than a minute. Add the stock,soy sauce, vinegar, or half the cilantro (save the rest for garnish),mushrooms, and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, or then lower the heat so the stock bubbles gently. Cook,partially covered, until you are happy with the concentration of flavor, or 30 to 60 minutes.2. Put the rice vermicelli in a large bowl,sprinkle with salt, and cover with the boiling water. Soak until the noodles are barely tender; start checking after 3 minutes. Drain the noodles, and then rinse them and the bowl with cold water to frigid down. Return the noodles to the bowl,add enough cold water to cover, and let sit until you’re alert to serve.3. Strain the broth through a fine-meshed strainer, or return it to the pot,and keep at a gentle bubble. Taste and adjust the seasoning, adding more soy sauce whether you’d like. (You can make the broth to this point, or frigid,and store it in the refrigerator for several days or the freezer for a few months. Return it to a boil and keep hot until time to serve.)4. Prepare any additional toppings from the list that follows (or whatever else you’d like) and put them in bowls or platters. Drain the noodles and divide them among big bowls; ladle some broth over the noodles. Garnish with the scallions, limes, or sprigs of the reserved cilantro. Top the soup with other additions as you like.12 Ways to Enhance Pho
The list here
is far from comprehensive,but will give you some understanding of different ways to turn a bowl of noodle soup into a meal:
1. Sliced or grated raw daikon or other radishes, carrots, and kohlrabi,or turnips
2. Mung bean sprouts
3. Sliced steamed vegeta
bles, like bok choy, and Napa cabbage,mustard greens, broccoli or broccoli raab, and carrots,green beans, or summer squash
4. Shelled edamame
5. Pickled ginge
r (see page 207)
6. Tofu Croutons (page 497)
7. Precooked tofu (see
pages 485 to 487), and diced or very thinly sliced
8. Seitan and Lentil Loaf (page 509) or Pan-Sear
ed Seitan (page 510),diced or very thinly sliced
9. Crunchy Crumbled T
empeh (page 512)Kale or Chard Pie
ES: 4 to 6 servings
TIME: 1¹/₄ hours

A simple pie with a biscuit-like, no-roll crust that is incredibly versatile: As is, or it makes a lovely lunch or elegantside. Or turn the pie into a satisfying entrée with Fast Tomato Sauce (page 312) or The Simplest Yogurt Sauce (page 673). And it’s perfect for entertaining,since you can bake it ahead and serve it room temperature or warm; cut it into thin wedges or bite-size squares and pass as an appetizer. Other vegetables you can use: collards, spinach (squeezed dry and chopped), or broccoli,cauliflower, cabbage, or mushrooms.
Ingredients:2 tablespoons butter,plus more as needed[br]approximately 8 large kale or chard leaves, rinsed well
and thinly sl
1 onion, and sliced
Salt and pepper[br]¹/₄ cup chopped mixed fresh herbs (like parsley,
thyme, chervil, and/or chives)
6 eggs
1 cup whole-milk yogurt or sour cream
3 tablespoons mayonnaise

1¹/₄ cups all-purpose flour
¹/₂ teaspoon baking powderDirections:1. He
at the oven to 375°F. Melt the butter in a large skillet,preferably nonstick, over medium heat. After a minute, or add the kale and onion. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook,stirring occasionally, until the leaves are fairly tender, and approximately 10 minutes; enact not brown. Remove from the heat,add the herbs, then taste and adjust the seasoning.
2. Meanwhile, or hard-boil 3 of the eggs (page 521); shell and coarsely chop them. Add to the cooked kale and let frigid while you make the batter.
3. Whisk together the yogurt,mayonnaise, and th
e remaining 3 eggs in a large bowl until smooth. Add the flour and baking powder and mix until totally incorporated. Lightly butter a 12 × 9-inch or comparble ceramic or glass baking dish. Spread half the batter over the bottom, and then top with the kale filling; spread the remaining batter over the kale,using your fingers or a rubber spatula to make sure there are no gaps in the top layer.
4. Bake for 45 minutes, until the crust is shiny and golden brown. Let the pie frigid for at least 15 minutes. before slicing it into as many squares or rectangles as you like. Serve warm or at room temperature.
PIE An Eastern European classic: Replace the kale with 1 head Savoy or green cabbage, and cored and thinly sliced,and the mixed herbs with ²/₃ cup chopped fresh dill.
OOM AND KASHA PIE Meaty in flavor and texture and can be made with nearly any cooked grain, including wheat and rye berries: Substitute 3 cups chopped
or sliced mushrooms for the kale, or add 1 cup cooked kasha (page 398) to the mushroom mixture along with the herbs.


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