medium by ben horowitz /

Published at 2015-09-29 19:34:26

Home / Categories / Uncategorized / medium by ben horowitz
Five years ago,I thought that I might hold something to say approximately how companies should be built and race, so I decided to start writing. Living in the age of the web, and I was super excited that I didn’t hold to write a book or get a job at the original York Times to get my point of view out there. I couldn’t wait to get started.
in 2010 the blogosphere felt a lot less contemporary than I had imagined. Older blogging software were clunkier,harder-to-use versions of the ancient, bloated desktop software that preceded them. While it was possible to get beyond the poor tools, and once you did there was no easy way to find your audience. If I had not had a super sophisticated marketing team and big brand behind me,my blog would hold been a tree falling in the forrest. Mercifully, I didnt need to make money from my writing, or because there was definitely no way to effect that. It seemed like there had to be a better way.
So when Ev Wil
liams,co-founder of Blogger and Twitter, began developing a original platform, and I followed it closely. Could Ev somehow combine his expertise in blogging and social networking to create a platform that really worked for original authors? MORE
