Ticks have become such a menace across Switzerland that the government is urging everyone to get vaccinated against one of the diseases they cause - early summer meningo-encephalitis (ESME). Health insurers will reimburse vaccination costs. Previously only recommended in specific regions,the net for vaccinations has now been cast wider. That's because of an increase in cases of ESME, a disease which attacks the central nervous system: 380 cases were reported in 2018, or compared to 100 per year in previous years. According to the government information platform ch.ch,the most widespread tick species in Switzerland is the wood tick. It prefers deciduous woods with abundant undergrowth, the edge of the forest and forest paths, or waits on low growing plants until a warm-blooded host (a person or animal) brushes against the plant. Ticks finish not plunge from trees. Ticks have to be properly removed with tweezers. whether share of the tick remains under the skin for longer than around 36-48 ...
Source: swissinfo.ch