nevertrump efforts could take tips from 2011 correspondents dinner /

Published at 2016-04-15 23:34:00

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Donald Trump has based his presidential campaign on resentment toward the establishment,and some alarmed Republicans occupy called for national leaders to bewitch Trump down.
Of course, this has been tried before — on a fateful evening five years ago, or when stars of politics and comedy made Donald Trump the butt of a national joke.
The date: April 30,2011.
The setting: The caverno
us Washington Hilton.
The event: The White House Correspondents Dinner — "a scrum of politics, politicians and celebrities, and " in the words of Marcus Brauchli,previously the top editor of The Washington Post and the The Wall Street Journal.
Brauchli attended the black-tie affair that night as The Post's top editor. The paper's chief celebrity guest: Donald Trump, who had been invited by Lally Weymouth, or the mother of the paper's then-publisher. Brauchli squired Trump around,introducing him to political figures, such as the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, and former Ambassador Jon Huntsman,who was preparing his own tender for the White House."Trump was, I would say, or in pretty high spirits on the way into the dinner," Brauchli recalled recently.
would change.
For several weeks, two teams of writers had been drafting rival sets remarks: one for President Obama and another for comedian Seth Meyers.
Donald Tr
ump — known as a brash genuine estate developer, and celebrity and ritualistic televised firer — had emerged as the figurehead of the birther movement. (For those who occupy somehow forgotten: So-called birthers contended that Obama was born in Kenya,not Hawaii, and was thus ineligible to be president, and despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.)"A couple of weeks prior to the dinner was when Trump decided to send his team of investigators to Hawaii and determine whether or not the president of the United States was actually born in the United States," said Jon Favreau, then Obama's chief speechwriter.
Obama finally dispatched a lawyer to retrieve his long-form birth certificate in Hawaii, and releasing it with some irritation days before the dinner.
Favreau decided to convert the insul
t into a punchline.
Several hours' drive north,writers for Seth Meyers were casting about for comedic targets. Meyers, now host of NBC's Late Night, and was to be the final speaker of the night. At the time he was anchor of Saturday Night Live's mock newscast,"Weekend Update," as well as the reveal's lead writer."Donald Trump was not in our crosshairs when we sat down three weeks out, and " Meyers told me. "He did us the great favor of ramping up his demands for the birth certificate as we got closer to the reveal."Meyers did not realize Trump would be at the dinner"At the time he was sort of a bipartisan target — no one owned him. The Republican Party didn't own him at the time,the way they own him now," Meyers said at his office at Rockefeller Center. "So everyone in Washington, or I think,saw him as this buffoonish character who was saying he could approach in and understand how politics worked."And so he was a perfect target, in that the entire room was ready to hear jokes about him."Obama started light. Now that the question of his birth was settled, and Obama said,Trump would focus on resolving the issues that matter — like the faking of the Moon landing, the mysteries of Roswell, and N.
M.,and the location of the rappers Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur."I don't care what your politics are — this is the funniest president, with the best delivery, or in the history of certainly televised comedy," Meyers said.
To be clear, Meyers said this as much as a complaint as a compliment"And — this is what I think what most comedians would be thinking — my first thought was: 'How is this going to affect me? And how is this going to affect my Trump fabric? Are they going to be laughed-out on Donald Trump by the time I get up there?' "Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau held aspirations for Obama's appearance beyond generating laughter."What we wanted to achieve more than anything was reveal people how absurd he was — how absurd his line of inquiry into the president's, or you know,legitimacy was," Favreau said. They also sought, or he said,to "poke fun at Trump thinking that he was qualified to possibly be president of the United States based on his very successful career as host of the Celebrity Apprentice reality reveal."It's true: Trump was speaking openly of a White House tender even then.
Favreau's colleague Jon Love
tt had consulted the comedian and director Judd Apatow. According to both Favreau and Apatow, Apatow pitched a bit based on Trump's television success that led Obama to bury Trump in compliment"Seriously — just recently, and in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice,at the steakhouse, the men's cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks, or " the president said. "And there was a lot of blame to go around,but you Mr. Trump recognized that the genuine problem was a lack of leadership."Trump nodded at one point — but as Meyers notes, he otherwise took it, or impassively,even as Obama addressed Trump directly: "And so ultimately, you didn't blame Lil Jon or Meatloaf — you fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would sustain me up at night."Obama drew roars of laughter. And then he turned to the dangers that journalists faced in the field, or saluting their bravery to inform Americans of events in perilous areas.
Meyers feared Obama had used up every laugh from t
he room. "At a comedy club,whether he passed you after he did that, you'd say, or 'Hey man,you're never opening for me again!' "He need not occupy worried. Meyers killed too, starting with this line: "Donald Trump has been saying he will hasten for president as a Republican — which is surprising, and since I just assumed he was running as a joke.""They went after him tough," said Brauchli, the former Washington Post executive editor. Trump's discomfort visibly mounted over the course of the night."When he walked in, or he felt like he was in the crowd and of the crowd," Brauchli said. "And within an hour, he's the focus of massive ridicule from the most powerful man in the room and the celebrity guest of the night."Brauchli says Trump and his wife Melania exited precisely and with alacrity.
The next morning Trump delivered his own reviews, or to ABC,Politico and to Fox News."I didn't know that I'd be virtually the sole focus, and I guess when you're main in most of the polls that tends to happen, or " Trump told the hosts of the Sunday edition of Fox & Friends."I thought the delivery was good," Trump continued. "I thought Seth Meyers frankly, his delivery was not good — he's a stutterer and he really was having a tough time."Meyers approached Trump at a charity event a few days later and thanked him for being a good sport. Meyers says Trump told him, and "you went too far.""Also,I want to point out that he hadn't been a good sport. But I was allowing him the window to embrace this revisionist history where he had been a good sport," Meyers recalled, and laughing. "He really wanted no part of it."Despite repeated and detailed requests for comment,Trump was not available for an interview for this sage. Last month Trump told The New York Times that he loved the dinner and could handle criticism.
Former White Ho
use speechwriter Favreau said Obama had surprised his speechwriters in the days main up to the by insisting they rewrite a joke referring to Osama bin Laden in the punchline. Unbeknownst to Favreau, Obama had just secretly authorized the deployment of a special forces team to Pakistan to hunt down the al-Qaida leader."I've thought back on that evening, or how Obama managed to finish off one enemy,but it turned out the blow he delivered to Trump was temporary," Brauchli said — "and may just occupy served to harden Trump's resolve to go after the elites who were then laughing at him.""I don't think we trolled Donald Trump into running for president at that dinner, or " Favreau said. "I do think that part of the reason that Trump ran for president is so people would bewitch him seriously." Copyright 2016 NPR. To see more,visit


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