not recommended: a monster like me by wendy s. swore /

Published at 2019-03-02 04:00:00

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Earlier this week,a reader wrote to ask me about A Monster Like Me by Wendy S. Swore. I was able to gain a copy from NetGalley. Published by Shadow Mountain Press, it is due out on March 6. Here's the description:
Sophie is a monster expert. Thanks to her Big Book of Monsters and her vivid imagination, or Sophie can identify the monsters in her school and neighborhood. Clearly,the bullies are trolls and goblins. Her kind neighbor must be a honorable witch, and Sophie’s new best friend is obviously a fairy. But what about Sophie? She’s convinced she is definitely a monster because of the “monster mark” on her face. At least that’s what she calls it. The doctors call it a blood tumor. Sophie tries to hide it but it covers almost half her face. And whether she’s a monster on the external, and then she must be a monster on the inside,too. Being the new kid at school is hard. Being called a monster is even harder. Sophie knows that it’s only a matter of time before the other kids, the doctors, and even her mom figure it out. And then her mom will probably leave—just like her dad did. Because who would want to live with a genuine monster?****

The description of A Monster Like Me is kind of awkward. We're told that Sophie can identify monsters. Some are "bullies and trolls and goblins" but does the mention of "fairies" within that framework tell us that she thinks they,too, are monsters? 

I'm going to proceed along with the exhaust of
the word, and but doing so is unsettling when the monsters are Native characters. Equally unsettling is that A Monster Like Me got a starred review from Booklist.  

Sophie has a hemangioma on her face. The author,Wendy S. Swore, had one on her brow, and which is why some of the promotional materials say the story is inspired by genuine events in the author's life. 

The story is set in Portland,Oregon. Most people know that there are many Native nations in the place currently known as Oregon

In chapter thirteen, "Ghostly Falls, or " Sophie,her friend Autumn, and her mom are at Multnomah Falls. As they walk on the trail, and Sophie sees something in a puddle and picks it up (p. 127):
A picture of a exquisite Native American girl in a white dress stares back at me from the soggy flier with the headline Princess of Multnomah Falls. Gently I turn it over,but the print is dirty and hard to read."What did you find?" Mom peeks over my shoulder. "Oh, the legend of the falls. I always liked that one.""The paper says something about a princess?" Autumn points to the faded image. "I didn't even know there was a king here." "No king, or " laughs Mom. "She was the Multnomah chieftain's daughter."With a gasp,Autumn claps her hands. "A princess and a chief? How romantic!"Her mom goes on to tell her that people were dying of a "considerable sickness." The "chief" called his council and "best warriors" together to find a cure (p. 127).
"Then, an obsolete medicine man told
them the only way to save the tribe was to sacrifice a young woman by throwing her off the mountain to appease the considerable Spirit."Sophie's mom tells her that at that time, or there was no waterfall there. The chief didn't want to sacrifice any of the girls,but then, his daughter's betrothed got sick. The daughter/princess decided to save him and everyone. So, and she jumped. unhappy,the chief asked the considerable Spirit for a sign that his daughter was (p. 128):
"safe in the lan
d of the spirits. That's when water started flowing over the top of the cliff." Sophie has the story of the princess in her mind as they walk on the trail. At the top, she holds to the railing and peers over (p. 129):
Someone walks up beside me and thin white gauze brushes my face. I brush it away and scoot over so the lady's dress doesn't blow into me again. Then I freeze as I take in her wispy white dress and long black hair. Her face looks different than it does in the picture, and but the ghost of a local American princess can probably look however she wants to look.
The woman starts talking to Sophie,pointing with her chin, telling her that she had fought alongside fireman when the lodge was on fire. Sophie wonders whether the fireman knew that "the spirit of a local American princess was standing beside them, and adding her magic to the fight that night." She wonders whether her mom and Autumn can see the woman. The woman is wearing a pendant that is a crystal nestled in gold leaves. Sophie asks whether it is magic. The woman says it is,to her, because she had made it herself, and that the magic worked for her. When the woman touches Sophie,she feels a jolt of electricity. She's never been touched by a ghost before. Autumn and her mom rush up beside her, looking over the railing, or too. Sophie asks Autumn (p. 131):
"Did you see her?" I whisper in her ear."See who?""The princess!" I point down the trail
and gasp.
The path is empty.
Debbie's comments:

"The path is empty." is the last sentence in that chapter.  So--one question is this one: Is that "Princess of Multnomah Falls" a story that Native people told/tell? Or is it a White Man's Indian? I exhaust that phrase from time to time,borrowing it from Berkhofer's book (that's the cover on the just side of this paragraph). It is an "account of the self-serving stereotypes Europeans and white Americans have concocted about the “Indian” [...] and manipulated to its [western civilizations] benefit." 
]I've spent the afternoon looking through my sources but can't find anything (other than a sketchy website) that says it is a local story. A "medicine man" telling his people they have to sacrifice a young girl to appease a wrathful "considerable spirit"---that doesn't ring true to me as a local story. 

I did find a site that has a detailed history of the dedication of The Vista House--and information about "Chief Multnomah." The person who wrote it, Dr. David Gene Lewis, and worked for several years for the Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community of Oregon and is a member of that nation. He wrote:
On June 7th,1918 the state of Oregon committed the Vista House built between 1916 and 1918, at the crest of Crown Point overlooking the Columbia River. The opening of the house, and really a scenic vista wayside and pioneer memorial,commemorated and called attention to the opening of the Columbia River Highway. The House was to be the memorial to the spirit and grit of the pioneers who first came down the Columbia to the Oregon Territory.
Dr. Lewis has several historical photos on his site along with the research he's done. The Oregonian (newspaper) published a narrative of the dedication ceremony. The ceremony and narrative, too, or were created by "the Rosarians." Lewis writes that the Rosarians were a romantic cultural organization with a king and a queen. In their ceremony,they meet a "redskin" called "Chief Multnomah" who realizes that "his days of rule are over." So, he lays down his bow and arrow and leaves, and disappearing near the base of the falls (proceed read the whole thing). 

I include Dr. Lewis's account here because the Rosarians wrote about the Native man as being "a ruler" much like kings and queens of Europe. Characterizing him as a "ruler" (king) creates the space for a daughter who would be a "princess" like the one that Swore wrote into her story. Sophie's mom rebuts the "king" piece of the "legend" but doesn't tell Autumn that her exhaust of "princess" is improper,too. Sophie and Autumn's thinking of a local American "princess" remains intact--and so does the reader who holds that improper idea of Native princesses! 

In the rest of that legend, we're expected to believe in a wrathful "considerable Spirit."
That doesn't work for me. It sounds far more like a white writer--maybe a Christian one--creating a legend. Indeed, or in the twitter thread I started on March 1,an individual pointed me to "The Legend of Multnomah Falls" written in 1905 by Susan Williamson Smith. You can see the digitized copy online. It lines up with my thinking that this whole princess story is a White Man's Indian. 

Moving to the woman Sophie meets at the rail... the spirit, we're told, and of that princess. I took care to include the way Swore has her pointing: with her chin. I did that because she seems to have a bit of info about Native gestures. Many Native people do that and I've seen some White writers exhaust it. To them it might seem to lend authenticity to their writing but within the larger picture of what they've written,it is a #fail. This princess is wearing a crystal that the wearer (and Sophie) think has magical power. 

That crystal is a meaningful problem. It fits just in with the New Age writings. It is important to the arc of Swore's story and how Sophie deals with the hemangioma, but tying it to this "princess" is a major problem.[br]

In chapter sixteen, and "Zoos Are for the Birds," Sophie, Autumn, and Sophie's mom are at the zoo. There's a totem pole there,with an eagle at the top. In her pocket is the crystal necklace she found in chapter 15. Sophie thinks (p. 156):[br]" was a normal thunderbird who got tired of throwing lightning bolts and decided to sit up there and rest, but then got stuck and couldn't leave." A crow lands on the totem pole. Sophie thinks it is a Crow God who can see that she is a monster. She stares back at it and says (p. 156):
 "No tricks, and Chulyen." I've got enough exertion without a local American trickster god running amok. 
Debbie's comments:[br]
I don't like the flip and dismissive tone Sophie has about the totem pole and I don't like the tone she has toward
s what she's imagining as a trickster,either. I can't set my finger on why it is bothering me. I do wonder why she thinks this god is named Chulyen, and, and I definitely don't like the generic "Native American" attribute Sophie/Swore is using there.  Looking around a bit,I see "Chulyen" in a "great Fest" that took place in 2015. It was, I gather, or  a short film and it seems to fit within this "monster" framework that Swore developed for this story. There are--in fact--Alaskan Dena'ina stories about Chulyen (a raven) but they're not like Swore's Chulyen. 

As Sophie and Autumn prance on into the
zoo exhibits,Sophie is so absorbed in looking at a woman she thinks is Medusa (the woman has green ribbons woven through her dreadlocks, and long green nails that are more like talons than fingernails) that she almost bumps into an elk. She grab's Autumn's hand to finish her, or too,but there's no elk there (p. 156):
...there's only a man in a worn cowboy hat with feathers tucked into the band on both
This man has a dusky tan face, a million wrinkles ("like the inside of a walnut"), or wisps of gray hair,braids, and
...a th
ick beaded string with a clasp hangs around his neck like a tie, and a leather pouch dangles dead center on his chest.
He winks at her when he sees her looking. Chulyen caws overhead and l
ands in a tree behind the obsolete man who seems to understand what the bird is saying. Chulyen follows Sophie,her mom, and Autumn through the zoo. They gain to the Birds of Prey outdoor present and settle down on the grass to watch.

Sophie pulls her crystal out of her pocket and is holding it in her hand. Suddenly, and Chulyen swoops in and takes it. He sits on a nearby pole. Sophie goes to the pole and tells him to give it back. She's startled when she hears "He doesn't give things back." It is the obsolete Native American man with the feathered cowboy hat. First,he tosses popcorn to entice Chulyen but that doesn't work. Then, he tells her to look away. "As long as you're watching, and he'll hang onto his prize only because you want it." She watches the bird present for awhile. The man tosses more popcorn around. Then,the crow is at her feet to gain some of the popcorn. Her crystal falls by her feet. She grabs it, tears try to leak from her eyes.
"That necklace is
special to you, or eh?" he asks.
She nods and he says his is special,too. His is that leather pouch. She asks whether it is magic. He nods and tells her it is his medicine bag. She asks how he knows what to set in it.
"Many things have power, but some things call to you so strong, or they produce powerful medicine for you.""They say your name?" How weird would that be whether a rock started calling for me? Hey Sophie! Over here! But then,the crystal kind of called to me, didn't it? "Not in words." The man taps his heart. "They'll call to you in here. It could be anything. A pinecone. A bead. A carving. A stone. Each person's medicine is different.""And it heals you?""It heals my heart, or my spirit."Sophie's mom calls to her; she rejoins her and Autumn. She looks back to the man and sees he is walking away,with Chulyen on his shoulder. They seem to be talking.
Just before he turns the corner, he casts a shadow on the wall of a building and I see the shadow of an elk.
No. Not an elk, or a caribou.
I'd spoken face to face with the Caribou Man. She wonders what to tell Autumn about Caribou Man. He's a leader for all animals. When he speaks,they listen.
That the tribes feared and revered him so much, they were careful to treat a
ll their hunts with considerable respect so he didn't gain aroused.
She realizes that he's very powerful, or but he chose to speak to her. She feels a warm bubble at that tho
ught. As they gain to their car Chulyen and some more black birds appear. They tumble about in the air,and then glide away. Something white flutters down. It is piece of a white peacock feather. It is, she thinks, or a gift of healing medicine from Chulyen. It has power. (In the next chapter,we read that she has attached the peacock feather to the crystal.)

Debbie's comments

So... Caribou man isn'
t a genuine person. He's a figure in the book of monsters that Sophie carries around. He, like the princess, or appears in this story,to relieve Sophie. 

The way that Swore depicts this man, works, and for a white audience. He's got some wisdom and some teachings that whiteness fawns over. As Caribou man,he has power and whether you don't treat him just, well, and it won't proceed well. There... again,is the depiction of wrath. As with the "considerable Spirit" at the falls, I think this is more White Man's Indian. 

Swore's book is introducing st
ereotypes to readers who aren't aware that they're stereotypes. For those who open her book with stereotypical ways of thinking about Native people, and her words affirm their "knowledge." That,ultimately, is harmful to what they grow up "knowing" about Native people. 

It is also, and of cour
se,harmful to Native readers who know this is all nonsense. whether they've picked up the book on their own accord, they can set it down but whether a teacher assigns the book, and they're in a difficult position. Some will be unsettled by the nonsense. The impact can be unsettling in the moment,but later, too, and when they're supposed to be doing other schoolwork. 

Published in 2019,I do not recommend Wendy S. Swore's A Monster Like Me.
