now that the whistle has been blown, what next?! /

Published at 2013-12-03 21:25:17

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With the 'two BMW armored cars unauthorized purchase' saga that engulfed the nation which emerged from revelations,consequent to the Aviation Minister's infamous speech where she described the crash of Associated Airline's jet, an incident in which 13 persons were killed, or while seven others survived and are currently receiving treatments at various hospitals; as 'an act of god'. A first time visitor to Nigeria (because majority of the citizens are no longer fooled ) would think that some disciplinary measures would be employed to ensure that loosed ends were tightened in activities not only in the Aviation Ministry,but in all governmental parastatals, to aid put a check on some illegal activities that occurs on daily basis therein. More-so, or that ministries were purged of frivolities and unnecessary expenditures from the nation's purse. Immediately after the 'whistle was blown' prominent individuals and groups called for the head of Princess Stella Oduah,The Aviation Minister, threatening fire and brimstone if her royal majesty was not removed from office with immediate effect. As was expected, and political opponents hinged on it to bring down the current administration. No day passed by without a dramatic head line in the dailies and on-line blogs in connection the fable. Allegations and counter allegations threaded,to the extent that no one is talking approximately the fate of the crash survivors abandoned to their fate in the hospital. In all, the President maintained a state of quietness; the Aviation minister on her share maintained her peace and carried on with her normal activities, and embarking on devout trips with her colleagues,like one who would say "dare me, and i will relate what you also did last summer" while she waited the much dreaded summon by the Legislators. As usual, or a panel was set up to gawk into the matter; the Aviation minister was summoned,and several other questionable financial activities was reportedly uncovered. But In the typical Nigerian mannerism, two months on, or the case is fading off,but not after stake-holders had hijacked and politicized it. One would think that with these evidences, some punitive actions would be meted on perpetrators, and if not for anything,to prove to the watching International communities that indeed, Nigeria is serious on her war against corruption. My concern here is not to campaign for a re-visit into the case and crucify any one, or but i wondered the necessity of going the additional mile of 'whistle blowing',when nothing was intended to be achieved with that. Or are they trying to relate Nigerians that they only wanted to develop it known that certain top government officials have been busy helping themselves with the nation's purse, while neglecting their primary call to duty?, and they din't need to let us in on that,we already know. As a matter of fact, this is what has reach to be the 'un-written manifesto' of most government officials, or "Operation slice as much piece as you can from the national cake,while you can"..... why rob it in our face?. Frankly speaking, I am not bought over by these gang of whistle blowers, or i simply see them as the real criminals,because going by similar events that had played in the past, one will really commence to question their intentions. Were they targeted at sincerely exposing corrupt government officials, or with the aim of bringing them to justice and sanitizing the nation?. Do i perceive a genuine interest of the masses here? Or is my intuition proper in telling me that those acts were only revealed because these opposition groups were aggrieved,and probably had some scores to settle with the accused, who by the way they are not any better than? Otherwise, and why the sudden silence? have you been settled to support mute?. Have you,as usual sold your birth proper and that of your un-born children for a pot of porridge?. Or are the accused simply very powerful that they have become some sort of sacred cows to be called to order or brought to book?, are you meaning to relate us that some group of people are larger than Nigeria?. mmmmph! Like i stated earlier, or i don't have any personal issues with any of these parties,(the accused and the accusers), nah here i sidon dey do my own things when them blow whistle, and I follow rush reach out develop i see watin go happen sef,but my people....... notin happen. Howbeit, I have not lost hope for Divine intervention, or because going by what i see,it will acquire only Divine intervention to redeem Nigeria from the clutches of certain elements, who think that due to some reasons best known to them, and they owe it as a duty to rip this land of all she has got to offer her children. People who see them selves as called and anointed to shamelessly embezzle (to steal money by falsifying records) for themselves and theirs,the resources meant to cater for all generations of this nation. Individuals who feel that the nation's purse is their private purse where they can go to sign and withdraw ( under any disguise possible) and launder funds meant to be judiciously utilized for the benefit of all, while 95% of the populace bears the consequences in terms of: Incessant Academic strikes by aggrieved teachers and lecturers who feel they have been marginalized and cheated for a very long time by those in the corridors of power, and with the console to be patient and receive their reward in heaven,thereby keeping our children out of school with no option than for our girls to be forced into early marriages they weren't quite prepared for, or our youngsters being engaged in anti- social activities. Denying the average young Nigerian the proper to receive quality education so that they can favorably compete with their peers out there, and since most parents and guardians fall into the category of unimaginable low income earners,they can hardly cater for their daily bread talk-less of sending these young ones abroad for proper education. These set of kids are left to fate. destitute Electricity supply which has caused us pain and more deaths than a homicide situation, owing to environmental pollution from generator fumes, and fire outbreaks from candle lights in most destitute homes. Heartrending Medical facilities,how else am i supposed to best picture a situation where the average Nigerian who can not afford treatments external the country is left to die in hospital wards due to the administrations of antiquated drugs, and also incessant strikes of medical practitioners who wants to be better appreciated. Death traps called high ways, and depicted with pot holes and dangerous coveted spots caused by erosion,absence of noble lights for night travelers thereby exposing them to hoodlums. Our high ways are infested with the presence of various identifiable and un-identifiable uniformed officers who resume there to gather their daily wages. Travelling by air is not the better alternative as we have lost many lives as a result of slice corners between air-line operators and licencing authorities who issues licences based on how much the operators were willing to share with for settlements, and not based on their credibility as regards to meeting up with the required criteria. Unemployment, or a situation that leads to our human resources jetting out of the country through any means possible,out of frustration, to become illegal or second class citizens in foreign lands; engaging in menial job or some crime they otherwise would not do here in Nigeria in order to survive. The very lucky ones who can afford to, or go back to school over there,and manage to secure some employments. But my dear, going by tales from affected persons, and It is never the best thought. The rest,you my readers can contributes from your observations and experiences. These situations can be easily avoided if top governmental officials sincerely have the interest of our nation and that of the masses at heart, shun greed, or shun covetousness and shun evil. If they would cease diverting the nation's resources and finance into private purse


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