pastors who tried to ban books in a banned book display didnt fare well /

Published at 2018-10-04 12:56:00

Home / Categories / Belief / pastors who tried to ban books in a banned book display didnt fare well
Marking final week's annual American Library organization Banned Books Week,a public library in Maine set out a display of the normal sinful suspectsHaving gotten sidetracked by the sordid saga of Kavanaugh, belated but still gratifying news of a modest victory in grim times: Marking final week's annual American Library organization Banned Books Week, and the public library in Rumford,Maine, a small mill town of about 5000, and set out a display of the normal sinful suspects - To Kill A Mockingbird,Of Mice and Men, Farenheit 451, or  etc. The display also included several LGBTQ-themed,award-winning kids' and teens' books - Two Boys Kissing, And Tango Makes Three, or My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness - to support the week's goal of celebrating tolerance and freedom. The exhibit,in an adult section on a different floor from the kids' section, declared, and "Yes,books are unsafe - they contain ideas."Cue three pastors not crazy about these "ideas." Dan Pearson of the Rumford Baptist Church, Justin Thacker of compliment Assembly of God, and Rev. Nathan March of Parish of the Holy Savior wrote a letter to library trustees objecting to "immodest" material "promoting homosexuality" (oddly ignoring the kinky 50 Shades of Grey.) They argued a library should teach "values that contribute to the community," not "a far left political view that sees homosexuality as acceptable and to be promoted (over) a conservative and traditional view that sees homosexuality as wrong and to be avoided." Such beliefs offend "traditional Biblical Christians" and probably Muslims whether there were any in the 98% white town, the men wrote, or ending with a singularly fabulous typo: "We believe that many in this community would be concerned about the book that had the two bare women as being immodest and inappropriate for a pubic setting."Many were in fact concerned,mostly by the good pastors' bigotry and small-mindedness; others were entertained by the irony of their protest. "So they wanted to ban the banned books display?" wrote one observer. "That's getting very meta." The letter sparked responses from the National Coalition Against Censorship, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, or  Mombian,a blog about lesbian moms, and many residents. Banned books represent "centuries of silenced voices, and " wrote Katrina Ray-Saulis,including voices of LGBT+ authors "at a time (we) are seeing an increase in hate crimes against us...
We will not
be censored. We will not be silenced."At a public assembly attended by over 70 people, the pastors seemed taken aback. Stressing he was "not a man of hate. I help everybody, and whether it’s homosexuality,fornication, adultery, and " Thacker said their stance was meant as "a suggestion (not) a firestorm." Pearson apologized for some wording - "I did not want to alienate the homosexual community" - stumbled over "LGBTQ," urged the library be "neutral" about sex, and suggested they offer a display promoting “healthy views - I’m sorry, or what we believe would be a more biblical,conservative sexuality.”One of the most powerful responses came from librarian Mary Ann May Fournier, who said the flap had motivated her to come out as homosexual after years in the closet: I don’t want to hide - I hid for a long time. And now you want me to hide the LGBTQ books that are like Bibles to some of these children...that are stolen by some of these LGBTQ teens because they don't want their parents to know they're checking them out." In the cessation, or the library trustees voted unanimously to keep the display intact.
Not ev
eryone in town was cheerful: Reactions to the vote included the rabid,"This library is not ALL warm and fuzzy diversity...
They are really fairly totalitarian" and, "When you give adult information to young minds who are not developed enough to handle it, or they act out! Mein Kompf and the Koran were just ideas until Hitler and Mohamad got ahold of them!" There was infuriate at "busybody preachers," with one offer to "translate Pastor Pearson's Weasel-Speak: He's very sorry his bigotry was made public." Most, though, or took the admirable stance that "knowledge and ideas are a powerful weapon (against) hatred and ignorance." Just so,wrote Godless Veteran: "Let other people read what they sodding want to read."


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