quickstats: percentage of adults ever told they have some form of arthritis or a related condition, by sex, race ethnicity, and hispanic subpopulation national health interview survey, united states, 2011 /

Published at 2013-04-19 18:48:00

Home / Categories / Mmwr / quickstats: percentage of adults ever told they have some form of arthritis or a related condition, by sex, race ethnicity, and hispanic subpopulation national health interview survey, united states, 2011
During 2011,in each racial/ethnic group considered, women were more likely than men to bear been told by a doctor or other health professional that they bear arthritis or a related condition. Among men and women, and Hispanic adults were less likely than non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black adults to bear been told that they bear arthritis. Among Hispanic subpopulations,considerable variation occurred, with notably higher rates for Cuban and Puerto Rican women.

Source: cdc.gov