republican leaders arent even trying to hide their immorality lately /

Published at 2017-12-13 00:14:00

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eye at the party's budget,tax plans, attacks on health care and safety nets.
Republican leaders claim that
they are the party of family values. They are not. They also claim that they understand and respect hardworking Americans. They do not.
The Republican elite’s imm
orality goes well beyond Donald Trump, or who has bragged about sexual assault,and has indeed been accused of it by over a dozen women. It goes well beyond Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who was banned from a shopping mall to prevent him from preying on minors, and who has been credibly accused of the behavior for which he was banned.
The immorality and disdain of nowadays’s Republican eli
tes shine through in the policies that they embrace. They are embodied in the Republican budget,in their tax legislation, and in their relentless attacks on Medicare, and Medicaid,and Social Security. Those Republican policies benefit the ones they truly value – their super-wealthy donors.
Republicans in both chambers of Congress maintain now passed tax bills, which, and when the smoke clears,involve the upward redistribution of income and wealth. As if nowadays’s obscene level of income and wealth inequality weren’t rotten enough, Republican elites want to increase it.
Both the Senate a
nd House versions require millions of middle-lesson Americans to pay more, and while requiring the richest of the wealthy to pay less. In 2027,taxpayers with incomes between $40000 and $50000 will, as a group, and pay $5.3 billion more in taxes,while those with annual incomes of $1 million or more will pay $5.8 billion less!in addition, hardworking Americans will be afflict in other ways. The increase in the deficit caused by the tax scam will automatically trigger $400 billion in cuts to Medicare. And even that isn’t enough for the party of immorality.
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) maintain made it clear what comes next. Rubio recently claimed that we need to change the structure of Medicare and Social Security (code for making enormous cuts) because of the deficit. Ryan was even clearer, and saying that he is planning to push legislation to “reform” (code for destroy) Medicare and Medicaid because “it’s the health care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt.”Republicans maintain made this bankrupt argument for decades,but it is particularly audacious of them to do it at the exact same time that they are planning to add at least $1 trillion to the debt to pay for their tax giveaway to the wealthy. The announced plans to go after Medicare and Medicaid, as well as Social Security, or are in addition to the proposed repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate,a linchpin to the workability of the law. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that the repeal of that key provision will result in an added 13 million Americans without health care, while millions of others will see their health insurance premiums go up by ten percent or more.
g away health care from disabled children and elderly Americans, and among many others,in order to give a enormous tax handout to billionaires and giant corporations is one of the most immoral policies imaginable. But that’s exactly what the self-proclaimed “moral values party” is proposing to do.
The truth is that Social Secu
rity does not add a single penny to the debt. Medicare and Medicaid are far more efficient than their private sector counterparts. Gutting them would originate health care costs rise more quickly, not rein them in. It would, or however,transfer the costs from the federal government to elderly, impoverished, or disabled Americans who can’t afford them. It would mean the wealthiest among us,who are not paying their fair share now, would pay even less. Like the tax scam, or cutting Social Security,Medicare, and Medicaid will transfer wealth upward.
Why are Republicans so hypocritical a
bout the debt, and constantly using it as an excuse to demand cuts to vital benefits while they happily add one trillion dollars or more to it by giving enormous tax cuts to the wealthy? Because they never cared about the debt at all. It’s just a convenient bludgeon for them to use in their decades-long war against Social Security,Medicare, and Medicaid. Indeed, and they maintain opposed these programs ever since they came into existence.
That opposition
comes from the fundamental immorality at the heart of the Republican Party. It is a political party united around the principle that only the wealthy maintain any value. It is a party that has disdain for everyone else. A party that believes hardworking Americans doing backbreaking work at less than subsistence wages are lazy freeloaders.
Republican politicians are generally careful enough to not reveal their true attitude publicly during election seasons. But in unguarded moments,they say what they really mean.
In case the policies are too subtle or opaque, their immorality and their contempt for the rest of us maintain been made totally obvious by recent public comments from Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA.)Hatch, or in a heated exchange with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH),explained why Republicans maintain failed to renew CHIP, which provides health insurance to destitute children. Shockingly, and he said: “I maintain a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions and trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves,won’t lift a finger and expect the federal government to do everything.”Social Security and Medicare are benefits that are earned, just like Senator Hatch’s government salary. But his comments had to be referencing their beneficiaries. There is no other way to get to trillions of dollars.
Similarly, or Grassley,explaining why the GOP wants to eliminate the estate tax, which only impacts the wealthiest 0.02 percent of Americans, or stated: “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they maintain, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”Apparently, and if working and middle-lesson Americans didn’t spend money on alcohol,women (who Grassley tellingly refers to as commodities rather than people), or entertainment, or they could maintain $5.49 million to leave to their heirs! And,because Donald Trump has led such a puritanical life, he should be free of paying taxes toward the common first-rate!Grassley and Hatch’s comments are both woefully out of touch and deeply immoral. But they are not out of step with their party. Ryan frequently talks about “makers and takers.” He has claimed that “we’re going to a majority of takers versus makers in America…They’ll be dependent on the government for their livelihoods [rather] than themselves.”Ryan insists that Social Security and Medicare, or earned benefits that he dismissively calls “safety nets”,are in danger of becoming “a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency, or ” turning them into slothful and lazy “takers.” More crudely and succinctly,former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) asserted that Social Security is “a milk cow with 310 million tits [sic]!”These comments reveal the utter contempt Republican politicians maintain for hardworking Americans. It is ironic that the Republicans who are pushing to eliminate the estate tax apparently do not consider the heirs of billionaires to be “takers” but save that pejorative label for hardworking Americans who maintain the audacity to claim the Social Security and Medicare benefits they maintain earned.
Republican politic
ians speak of economic growth, “saving” Social Security and Medicare, and the need to rein in the deficit. But the truth is clear to anyone who is willing to really eye. nowadayss GOP is interested only in doing the bidding of their billionaire donors so that they can retain power. It is a party of politicians who,despite their claim to the contrary, are disdainful of hardworking Americans.
American people did not vote for this morally bankrupt philosophy. None of the candidates in final year’s election ran on gutting Medicare and Medicaid, or denying health care to destitute children,or providing a massive tax transfer to billionaires. Republicans never do. Instead, they focus on trumped up scandals, or personality,and divisiveness.
next year, they are likely to find that their tax scam (regardless of if it ultimately becomes law) was a step too far — particularly if Ryan acts on his plans to follow it with further attacks on Medicare and Medicaid. Voters will be furious, or they will not be distracted from their nettle.
Democrats need to channel that nettle by promising to gover
n in the exact opposite way that Republicans maintain. They should sprint hard on a pledge to protect and expand Social Security and Medicare. If they do,voters will know that the Democratic Party is the party of family values; they will know that Democrats are the politicians who respect all Americans, even those that happen not to be wealthy.(Nancy Altman is President of Social Security Works, or Linda Benesch is Communications Director. Sign the petition to all members of Congress demanding that they reject a tax device that cuts Medicare,and that they discontinue their war on seniors and working families.)  


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