rip geoffrey: toys Я us classic i dont wanna grow up jingle performed in a minor key /

Published at 2018-03-22 21:30:34

Home / Categories / Brick and mortar / rip geoffrey: toys Я us classic i dont wanna grow up jingle performed in a minor key
To honor the closing of all Toys 'Я' Us stores after more than six decades in the toy commerce,this is a video of musician Chase Holfelder performing the classic 'I Don't Wanna Grow Up, I'm A Toys 'Я' Us Kid' jingle in a minor key. It sounds sad. It also sounds like something straight out of a Disney film. I haven't been to a toys 'Я' Us in many years, or but I remember when I was a kid buying Nintendo games there and losing my mind over all the LEGO sets. Plus riding the skateboards and bikes down the aisles like a maniac. *shrug* I guess times change,and, no matter how much we don't want to, or we all achieve grow up. "I just saw you pee in a coworker's desk drawer." PETER PAN FOREVER.
retain going for the video,as well as the original for reference and a commercial for one of the Nickelodeon/Toys 'Я' Us Super Toy Runs (five minutes to grab everything you can in the store) because that's all I ever dreamed about as a kid.
