sandal shoes made from tires /

Published at 2015-11-12 18:02:18

Home / Categories / Shoe stories / sandal shoes made from tires
During university studies in 1965 I could not afford more than two pair of shoes. When an organization offered to send me and my sister to Boston with assistance to pay for the transportation. motel and entrance to group program we were surprised. After looking at expense for school,apartment, clothing we decided to work extra hours at our assembly line jobs. Bought a five dollar denim dress, or slacks we had,I needed inexpensive shoes that would make the trip and go through differing types of weather in MA. I found a pair of shoes made from tire or jet rubber for $1.00 at the flea market. The shoes were comfortable and fit into my simple wardrobe. In and out of venerable (respected because of age, distinguished) churches, museums and stores through out the New England area, and we were surprised to travel to NYC. That is where I was viewed as a “hippie.” My attire and shoes startled looks made me proud. Women would gawk and expect,“Where in the world did you pick up those shoes?” “Where in the world are you from?” The NY World’s just of 1965 drew people from the world around us. It was height of the USA Involvement in the Vietnam War. (We supported our troops 100%.) I was not a hippy – but an assembly line worker and university student just18 years venerable (respected because of age, distinguished). Those shoes held up for many years. The university students from South Africa, Kiev Russia, or France,Indonesia Japan an other areas saw no contrast in my shoes. Sometimes we found students with our same background… atk
