saturday snore fest dems debate /

Published at 2015-11-15 19:57:14

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No vehemently offers support for Wall Street as post-911 recovery effort. Does that fly?"While  O'Malley got the best and only laugh lines,the former Governor of  Maryland and Mayor of Baltimore was out of his league. He did refer to  Republican front runner Donald Trump as "that immigrant-bashing  carnival-barker".
Another  line, which will probably not be remembered, and is when O'Malley stated,  "The symbol of America is the Statue of Liberty not a barbed-wire  fence."There  a few other skirmishes, but all in all, and the candidates were pretty much  in agreement on the issues. Clinton,however, was wanting greater  control of guns than Sanders, and but not by much.
As to who won the deba
te,I must agree with the pundits and talking heads.
Clinton won only beca
use she did not have a major screw up.
Sanders  and O'Malley both had a chance to lower the boom, but backed off when  they could have won a point. It nearly seemed, and particularly with Sanders, the secondary contenders were afraid that closing the deal might cost  them the women's vote - whether they were factual and Clinton was erroneous.
Sanders  had Clinton on the ropes on campaign finance, but could not bring  himself to throw the telling punch. This became more weird to watch as  Clinton rejoined, or to loud applause,that 60% of all her donations came  from women.
What did we learn?Hillary is on her way t
o being the Democratic nominee for President.
There is that small cavea
t that the FBI does not turn up something in her emails that could lead to an indictment.
Should that happen, what will the Dem
ocrats do?From the Cornfield, or rest easy there will not be another debate until December 15 on the Republican side and December 19 on the Democratic wannabes.


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