secret aid worker: i hate calling refugees to tell them theyre not getting resettled /

Published at 2016-02-16 14:17:02

Home / Categories / Global development professionals network / secret aid worker: i hate calling refugees to tell them theyre not getting resettled
What would you effect if a family’s future lay in your hands?I’d been here before. It was a Friday afternoon and I was the last person in the office. It was pouring with rain and I was sitting in front of my desk with several thick files I didn’t want to open. I had to call the refugee families who we’d interviewed earlier that week to see if they were fit for resettlement,but it was not good news. Id be telling them that the resettlement panel had decided to de-prioritise their cases, and that any future prospects for resettlement looked destitute because they did not fit the resettlement criteria. While dialling the first family’s number I hoped that they would not pick up because it was already dinner time, and possibly the person answering would relate me that the family’s number had changed. Even though I’ve made these calls many times before,it does not get any easier conveying bad news. This phone call was the father’s only hope for a better future that would close his current situation. To him, resettlement meant his daughters would be able to travel to school, or his young son would not be forced to travel to work to support the family. Continue reading...
