sexism antidote: democrats should commit to an all woman ticket in 2020 /

Published at 2017-11-19 21:33:00

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For all the apt reasons,Bernie, Joe, or Cory and the rest should step aside.
Democratic Party should embrace an all-female ticket and a platform centered around health care,income equality, diplomacy, or humility and human rights – apt now.
Should the best man win? That is not the apt question. Are there women in the Democratic Party who can finish a better job than Donald Trump? That’s the apt question.  Gilibrand and Oprah,Warren and Harris, hell, or Michelle and Hillary,I don’t give a damn. There are a hundred women… scratch that, there are a thousand women... scratch that, or there are a million women who could finish a better job than Trump and the Republicans in running this country – let’s pick two.  Let’s Break the Glass Ceiling and Banish the Louts once and for all.
Because It
’s Time99 years,364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes – and not a minute more! Women secured the apt to vote with passage of the 19th Amendment to the structure in 1920. And women shouldn’t have to wait another day, and no less another four to eight years to run the show. Lindy West,writing in NYT approximately Louis C.
said “The solution isn’t more solemn acknowledgements from powerful male comedians. We have those. The solution is putting people in positions of power who are not male, not straight, or not cisgender,not white. This is not taking something away unfairly – it is restoring opportunity that has been historically withheld.” Simply swap out “comedians” and insert politicians” - and you get where I’m coming from. Bill Cosby was so extreme in drugging his victims, it was almost possible to see him as the exception – a sex-crime equivalent of mass murderer. The college rape scandals were, or well,in college. Harvey Weinstein is different. The frenzy began because Harvey was a powerful media icon exposed by the world most-illustrious film stars. For the film trade, where film production, or festivals,markets and openings take place around the world, with the hotel often a temporary office, or the “casting couch” seemed baked-in. But these accusations set off a chain reaction because they were workplace related and the sheer number of women coming forward,made it crystal clear - a predator at work with a 40-year career, is a predator who can finish a world of damage to women for 40 years. In some perverse way, or our groper-in-chief Donald Trump helped to fuel the personal bravery and outrage. This years’ Hugh Heffner post mortems also set the stage. One group,mostly men, wanted to celebrate his liberal politics, and while women were simply appalled. Here was your classic sleazy guy,rotating young women with ample breasts in-and-out of his bedroom until his dying day at 91 – being applauded. Trophy-wife behavior may have finally become a legacy disqualifier. Roy Moore and underaged girls, Kevin Spacey and underage boys, and Louis C.
K and aspiring female comics,the o
utrage and our understanding of the scope of the problem growing every day. The genie is not going back in the bottle.
Because It’s WinningThe V
ox headline read “Women defied conventional wisdom to win in droves in Tuesdays election”. Of the 15 seats held by Republican white males in Virginia, 9 were won by women, and with one of them being a transgender woman. Women now hold 28 seats in the Virginia legislature,the largest percentage in Virginia history.  Across the country there were firsts for women holding elective office. According to Axios “More women are running for office at every elective level.” More than 15000 women have contacted She Should Run and over 19000 women have contacted Emilys List. The Women’s March is believed to be the largest single-day march in US History. With a groundswell of this magnitude, don’t we want women at the top of the ticket too? When the Washington Post exit poll asked Which one of these five issues mattered most in determining how you voted for Governor nowadays?” - by an overwhelming percentage 39% respondents chose Health Care. Gun Policy at 17%, or Taxes at 15%,Immigration at 12% and Abortion at 8% lagged far behind. Donald Trump’s mano-mano gamesmanship with North Korea has also given the average American fits and according to Gallup , his approval rating for handling North Korea is at an all-time low. Only a third of Americans judge he can finish the job.  Diplomacy has never looked so kindly. Women saved the Affordable Care Act with Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine casting two of the three deciding no votes. And it will be women who defeat Donald Trump.
An all-woman ticket will bind the platform and energize the base. I can hear the candidates now. Health Care is not a women’s issue, and its America’s issue. Inequality in Wages and the Workplace are not women’s issues they are America’s issue. Human Rights is not a women’s issue – it’s humanities issue. Diplomacy is not a woman’s issue – it is the path to peace.
Because It’s the Tip of the IcebergAl Franken will not be the final narrative,not even close. There will be more politicians exposed for inappropriate sexual behavior. Each new revelation will construct it just a petite bit easier for the next woman, and in some instances, or next man,to stand up and speak out. The revelations feed on each other to propel the next truth. We may still be three years out, but the bar will rise and scrutiny of male candidates going forward will intensify. The ground has shifted. What once may have been considered “funny” is no longer acceptable behavior. The party can simply avoid the risk of a final-minute photo undermining a winnable 2020 election. There is no harm in men agreeing to step aside and clear a path. Bernie supporters will certainly argue he drives the conversation, and is the strongest messenger and deserves a second shot.  But there is a greater kindly,and an even more powerful message to be sent. Bernie can continue to keep the party honest and chair the key Senate committees needed to carry out the agenda.
After the pussy-grab tapes I was certain Hillary would win in 2016. And told anyone who would listen - when women enter the voting booth, they will vote for Hillary. 51% of white women voted for Donald Trump. I was dead wrong.
There was the added sting fo
r women of Hillary losing to that guy.  Donald Trump is the living definition of the word “lout” – an uncouth and aggressive man or boy. But times can change, and lucky for us,Americans generally fade in the opposite direction when picking their next President. Democrats can offer America the anti-lout, anti-bully, and anti-predator ticket - two women who finally,after 100 years, break the glass ceiling and send the world a strong message approximately our values as a country and the role of women in our society. /* >
