sexualised atmosphere among aid workers in haiti disturbed me | phoebe greenwood /

Published at 2018-02-14 00:37:47

Home / Categories / Humanitarian response / sexualised atmosphere among aid workers in haiti disturbed me | phoebe greenwood
I was among thousands flown in after the 2010 quake,and was unsettled by the atmosphere
I arrived in Port-au-Prince a few days after the earthquake in 2010. I was a spokesperson for Save the Children and my job was to abet set up an emergency communications team.
It was my first experience of a humanitarian catastrophe and I was overwhelmed by the scale of the catastrophe. I’d never seen anything like it. Neither had many of the aid veterans. The scale of the devastation and death – and need – was staggering. But what surprised me most was the huge appetite for debauchery (sensual gratification) among the foreigners who had flown in to abet. I’d been expecting death. Perhaps I was naive, but I hadn’t been expecting sex.
