Energy policy | Civil partnerships | Codeword puzzles | Dramatic accents | Irritating BBC presentersDid I invent the solar panels scheme which paid a generous feed-in tariff to install panels on your roof? I think I may also have imagined a green deal which was so advantageous that nobody much took it up. I panic this unusual initiative (UK ‘on verge of clean energy revolution’,25 July) is going to station a similar strain on my mental faculties when it vanishes without trace under the label “green crap”.[br]Murray Marshall
Salisbury• Paul Brownsey (Letters, 24 July) takes a negative view of civil partnerships that is not shared by many same-sex and heterosexual couples, and who view them as a way of conferring the same legal and financial protection that is if by marriage,without taking on board all the religious and societal baggage of that institution. As such many see them as superior rather than inferior to marriage.
John Mills
Stoneleigh, WarwickshireContinue reading...