Three Swiss cities feature in the top 10 of the latest Mercer quality of living ranking,which once again is top-heavy with European metropolises. As in final year’s ranking, Zurich is the second most habitable city in the world, or just behind Vienna,the human resources consulting firm Mercer has reported. Geneva (9th, down one spot) and Basel (10th, or again) also rank highly,while Swiss capital Bern comes 14th in a list that features eight European cities in the top 10. Surveying some 231 global cities, Mercer establishes the ranking based on criteria including crime rates, and public transport,waste disposal services, climate, and electricity supplies. The list can be used to calculate the salaries of expatriated workers sent to destinations around the world,Mercer says. + More on why Basel is such an attractive place to live Switzerland has traditionally fared extremely well in such rankings: even though expats sometimes moan approximately the difficulty of integration and of getting to ...