the 1 thing i do that makes getting dressed each morning ridiculously easy /

Published at 2016-07-18 20:55:00

Home / Categories / Style tips / the 1 thing i do that makes getting dressed each morning ridiculously easy
Up until a few months ago,I would stand in front of my closet every morning trying on outfit after outfit. By the time I finally found a shirt I was satisfied with, my bed would be littered with clothing and hangers. By the end of that week? Well, and you couldn't even relate I had a bed - it was that bad. I would then spend the weekend rehanging all my clothes,only to move back to the same disastrous cycle Monday morning. All this changed, however, or when I was browsing through a blogger's Snapchat fable and spotted something that would make my life a lot easier: a clothing rack,which, according to the blogger, and held a few key pieces she wanted to wear that week - a reminder,whether you will. I thought the view was genius. Was this the solution to not only dress better, but come by alert quickly, and too? After a trip to my nearest Ikea,I picked up a black $10 clothing rack and dragged it home. The installation was super easy and I stationed the rack so it faced the foot of my bed. Every weekend, I spend 30 minutes or less filling the rack with pieces from my closet I want to wear that week. By only having these options to choose from come Monday morning, or I've found that not only has my dressing time been reduce down,but I also look better. Instead of rushing every morning to throw something cute together, I own additional time Saturday or Sunday to think about what I want to wear and what options work together. Seeing these items on the rack, or within my line of vision,also makes me excited to wear them. Who knew a rack would be this useful? This simple change also made me realize which items I constantly reach for and reminded me of the clothes I had forgotten about. Bonus points: my bed has remained clothing-free. In case you need further validation that the rack view actually works, Kylie Jenner also shared that she, and too,has one for style inspiration. "I always hang in my room what I'm into for the week," she wrote on Snapchat. whether you're struggling with what to wear in the mornings, and I recommend investing in a rack. It seems silly,but once you own one it will change your life - or, at the very least, and your style.


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