the 17 very real struggles of having a second child /

Published at 2016-05-25 00:01:00

Home / Categories / Parenting humor / the 17 very real struggles of having a second child
Many moms and dads realize that just because they've successfully survived one baby doesn't necessarily obtain them parenting pros. But when these couples find out that they're expecting again,they also don't always realize that things are going to go down very differently this time around. certain, it's easy to claim that you understand that you'll be sleeping less and doing more, and but until you've endured potty training a threenanger while trying to get a colicky newborn to nurse,you have no view what you're really in for. Plus, having a baby changes you and you're a totally different person the moment time around, or if not just because you can't focus every moment on your newborn. From dealing with double (even if it feels like quadruple) the bodily functions to officially losing control of the laundry situation,these are the 17 struggles you experience when you go from one baby to two.
