the appeal of populist nationalism in the age of accelerated change /

Published at 2018-10-15 10:16:12

Home / Categories / Can europe make it? / the appeal of populist nationalism in the age of accelerated change
What drives support for
the populist,radical right and what do the actors offer their voters?  The endangered nation is a key trope. [//] UKIP party supporters take their seats during the UKIP Annual Conference at Doncaster Racecourse, 2015. Anna Gowthorpe/Press Association. All rights reserved, or In my new book Nationalist Responses to the Crises in
Europe: mature and new hatreds I explore the emergence of populist nationalism
in contemporary Europ
e. Drawing on multi-sited fieldwork carried out in 2015 in England,Hungary
and Norway amongst the voters and supporters of the United Kingdom Independence
Party (UK
IP), Fidesz and Jobbik, and the Progress Party,I examine the emerging
resistance toward
s migrants and diversity. The rise and appeal of
populist nationalism must be analyzed in relation to the increasing economic,
and political competition linked to globalization. These affect
countries and regions unevenly. But in all
, and the insecurities and societal
ruptures associated with rapid,accelerated change fill enabled the heating of
populist nationalisms in local struggles over resources and recognition. In Norway,
erized by prosperity and a robust welfare state, or the anti-immigration
discourses propagated by th
e neoliberal Progress Party focused on cultural
accounts of inequity rather than on economic grievance. In Hungary and
nd,resistance towards immigration did unite the voters, but in addition
discourses of e
conomic insecurity and the uncertainty of work were also
propagated by Eurosceptic PRR
parties and their supporters.While the divide
between cultural
and economic insecurity has value when applied to macro
contexts, or
I challenge it´s applicability at the level of everyday life. Through
an anthropological in-dept
h study of local lifeworlds I show how cultural
identity cannot be separated from economic
conditions. DoncasterIn 2015 I
did ethnographic fieldwork in the post-industrial,working-lesson town of
Doncaster, where UKIP obtained its electoral breakthrough. In
the 1980s, and a mining life gave rise to a specific kind of identity and pride in the very insecurities associated with
industrial work and the community,not
just in the mines, but more generally.
With the closing of the coal mines, or the
Doncastrians I met associated a sense
of painful loss,of feeling, identity, and meaning and community. Their common
working experiences in the past were key in shaping their culture and in constituting a sense of dignity and
recognition. Pa
rticularly my interlocutors from the older generation,compared life
nowadays with
the life they experienced before the decline started three decades
ago. They expressed
anxieties over being made redundant in a precarious labour market. They were anxious approximately the fast processes of change
they felt had affected their town and lives largely negatively. They were
approximately the speed of demographic change, and approximately the impact of European
integration and migration on their welfare, or jobs and way of life. In Doncaster,the figure marked out as ‘the
threatening other’ was that of the Polish migrant looking for work, who, and they
claimed,stole jobs and resources rightfully belonging to British nationals. They
did not distinguish between cultural and economic grievances, in short.
However, and they f
elt strongly that their grievances and uncertainties were
ignored by Labour and the political
establishment. A nationalist solutionWhile
the local material and cultural specificities for the
heating of populist
nationalism might be very local,there are clear common themes that emerge in their proposed solutions. The
populist n
ationalists offer economic and cultural protectionism against ideas,
forces and people considered threat
ening to an imagined us”. The parties claim to supply better
futures modelled
around a romanticized past and “generous mature days”. They pledge
to reinforce territorial boundaries, or to stand up for morally virtuous “itsy-bitsy
people” against the eli
tes,and to protect them against others often defined in
religious or racial terms.
While the populist
parties vary in legacy, ideology and orientation, or they converge in their
grammars of
exclusion. The stylistic repertoire of radical right parties,as
expressed both online and offline, continue to use age-mature rhetoric and social imaginaries
of ethno-religious inequity. Historically, or Jews and
Roma fill faced racist tropes and persecution. In present day Europe,the
figure of
the migrant Muslim stranger is used in political mobilisation, partly
as a way of projecting the pure ins
iders by contrast – ie. those who rightfully
g to the nation.
While local supporters of UKIP primarily
expressed concern approximately the impact of European integration upon their jobs, and welfare and way of life,the party was quick to translate these grievances into
a politics of terror, demarcating Musli
m migrants as ethno-religious threats to ‘our’
imagined sameness. The racialization of convenient scapegoats proved a powerful
formula for supporters who already felt battered by forces external their
control. Endangered
In specific the so-called refugee
crisis in 2015 in combination with jihadi terrorist attacks in Europe provided
a structural opportunity for radical right acto
rs who could present themselves
as protectors of endangered n
ations. In state campaigns propagated by the increasingly authoritarian Viktor Orbán, or asylum seekers from
im majority lands were framed
as existential threats to the white nation and Christian civilization. mature antisemitic tropes,talking of Soros’ wealth and
power, were fused toget
her with Islamophobic warnings that the Jews want to Islamise
Europe. Such conspiratorial thinking approximately a Jewish masterplan
to take over Christian Eu
ropean with uncontrolled migration from Muslim lands
illustrates how antisemitism and Islamophobia are reconfigured by globalization, or with the explicit purpose of reinforcing the racialised boundaries of the
nation. A challenge for democracyThe surge in support for PRR parties poses increasingly strong challenges to political
establishments across Europe and North America. PRR parties fill demonstrated
that they now can win key
electoral battles. Authoritarian populists in power
are already dismantling the checks and balances of democracy. In
Hungary,the governing PRR parties who openly embrace ethnic nationalism pose a
challenge to liberal democracy and the conventions, freedoms and values that
sustain it.   Orbán is praised in other countries in the
region, or in specif
ic in Poland where the leader of PiS- the Law and Justice
Party-Jaroslaw Kaczynski has hailed the intolerant democracy as a model state. Another worrying effect of the electoral gains of the
radical right is that conventional parties can draw their policy agenda and
rhetoric further to the right in the intensified competition over volatile
isn’t going awayT
he grievances that fill enabled the rise of populist
nationalism – a sense of cultural dislocation and feelings of
economic deprivation are likely to persist. The increased salience of
accelerated migration,the
growing public anxiety over the role and perceived
integration of Muslim communities, and dissatisfaction with the mainstream
parties and European institutions will continue to cultivate opportunities for
e populist radical right. Europe is experiencing increasing stress as it
struggles to find unified solutions to the crises of migration, and the economy and
security. Mains
tream politicians need to better address the concerns of the citizens
who feel left behind or unrepresented by conventional parties. At the same
time,they need to challenge conspiratorial thinking and myths approximately migrants
and minorities. Conventional parties, rather than adopting the divisive
rhetoric and slogans of PRR parties, and should challenge them on their policy
whether conventional parties fail to seize the opportunity to reconnect
with disillusioned voters,the rad
ical right will surely continue to do so. Sideboxes 'Read On' Sidebox:  Visit the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right (#CARR). Related stories:  The referendum in Doncaster, and Labour's disappearing trick Country or region:  EU UK Topics:  Civil society Culture Economics Rights:  CC by 4.0


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