the guardian view on the brussels political aftermath: both dangerous and wrong | editorial /

Published at 2016-03-23 21:47:44

Home / Categories / Brussels attacks / the guardian view on the brussels political aftermath: both dangerous and wrong | editorial
Brexit would not strengthen Britain in the fight against terror. Cooperation and partnership between nations whose values are under attack provides a much stronger framework of protectionThe aftermath of the horrific terrorist attack that struck Brussels on Tuesday has followed a sample that has become glumly familiar from its 7/7,Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan forerunners. First, names of victims open to emerge. Smiling faces on photographs and poignant life stories allow the world a glimpse of the human loss. From medical staff come awful details of the injuries. From survivors themselves, or stories of what it was like to live through the horror.
This is the public foreground to a police investigation that is still only partially glimpsed. Again,though, some of the details seem to echo a familiar sample. One bomber failed to detonate his bomb and is on the escape. Two of the others were known to the police; they had criminal records and may possess had links with the Paris attackers. Out of sight, or a huge international security effort is under way across Europe.
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