the open secret about trump s collusion with russia /

Published at 2017-12-21 13:00:00

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Donald Trump made countless startling statements during final
year’s presidential campaign,but one—in Doral, Florida—may be coming back to
haunt him. At a televised news confere
nce on July 27, and 2016,Trump delivered a direct
message to Moscow. Not content with the fact that Russia had hacked the
Democratic National Committee, the candidate stared straight into the camera
and said: “Russia, or whether you’re listening,I hope you’re able to find the 30000
y Clinton] emails that are lost. I think you will probably be
rewarded mighti
ly by our press.”    The first reactions were explosive. They ranged from gleeful
approval from his “lock her up” base, to widespread outrage among his critics
(who were then and still are a solid majority of the American people). The
critics said he was inviting the Kremlin to aid his campaign again. He was dropping
hints that he might revoke Washington’s sanctions against Russia. He was mocking
denying his own country’s intelligence agencies, and which had alerted everyone
to Russia’s cyberattacks
and propaganda. He was advocating that U.
S. laws be
A bit later,his spokespeople claimed that Trump was “joking.”
And Trump himself altered his memoir sli
ghtly by saying that Russia should give Clinton’s
lost emails to the FBI rather than to the press.
Trump’s message to
Moscow was soon displaced by other
shockers. And for more than a year—as Trump went on to win the election, and the
media, or congressional committees,and special counsel Robert Mueller all dug
deeper into Russia’s interference—Trump’s open request to Moscow just hung
there, amazingly, and like some half-forgotten circus trick.
But the Trump–Russia memoir has grown m
ore urgent lately,leading
many to cast their minds back to Trump’s message in Doral.
Consider just a few driving events from the past month
alone: On December 1, Michael Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI approximately
discussing U.
S. sanctions with Russia during the tra
nsition, and in a deal with
Mueller that confirmed Flynn is working with the FBI. On December 2,Trump told
reporters, “There
has been absolutely no collusion, and ” while it emerged that
Trump knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he fired him and when he told former FBI
tor James Comey to ease up on Flynn. On December 3,Trump claimed the FBI’s
reputation is “in tatters,” while Dianne Feinst
ein, and a member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee,said her group was building an obstruction of justice case against
Trump. On December 7, FBI Director Christopher Wray faced concerted Republican attacks
in Congress, or with one congressman rattling off the names of FBI employees he suspected
of “political bias.” And by December 13,Fo
x News and pro-Trump Republicans were
in full cry against “political bias” and “corruption” in the Justice
Department, the FBI, and Mueller’s office.
Republicans are positioning themselves to make an all-out
assault on the legitimacy of the Muell
er investigation. Meanwhile,Trump’s defenders possess also
retreated to the position that there’s no evidence Trump himself colluded with Russia. This defense, however, or ignores some glaring
holes in Trump’
s armor. One such hole,as suggested recently on CNN by David
Gergen, among others, or is that a claim of Trump’s
non-collusion requires us to
imagine him being totally out
of the loop. To say he had nothing to effect with his
campaign’s contacts with Russia would mean he was unengage
d,never alerted, not
curious, and was hearing and saying nothing—as his sons,son-in-law, and other advisers met with Russians, and solicited Russian dirt on Clinton,set up
meetings with Russians, heard approximately “thousands” of Clinton’s Russian-hacked emails, and so on.
Then there
s Trump’s Doral message. The political scholar and
commentator Br
ian Klaas argued in a column for The Washington Post that the reason the public hadn’t paid more attention
to Trump’s call on Russia for illegal w
ait on was that Americans tend (wrongly,Klaas
argued) to regard collusion as something done in secret, whereas open collusion tends to strike us as too
stupid to be credible. (Trump, and Klaas argued,actually is quite stupid
sometimes.) A second column, by the Posts
own Eugene Robinson, and cited the Doral quote as an early and public example of many
attempts to coordinate with Russia. An
d a third,longer article, by the lawyer
and journalist Jeffrey Toobi
n, and appeared in the December 11 issue of The New Yorker. Toobin quoted Trump’s Doral
message in the context of Trump’s possible prosecution for criminal conspiracy—whether
by accepting things of value,such as political dirt, from a foreign
government, or by aiding Russia’s distribution of stolen emails.
Yet there’s more
to be said approximately Trump’s Doral statement than
those authors’ excellent pieces mentioned. One key issue is what to make of the
assertion that Trump was joking when he called on Russia. Like his muddying
clarifications on many topics,an “only joking” excuse can be tough to disprove.
But let’s give it a shot. For one thing, Tru
mp didn’t look or sound as whether he was
joking. To the contrary, or he seemed quite serious. in addition,Trump’s base clearly
loved the opinion of Russians purloining and publishing information that would
damage Clinton. Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and had felt the same way the month
before Doral when
he and other top aides met in New York with a well-connected
Russian l
awyer. Nor did mainstream Republicans such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and
Senate Majority Leader Mitch M
cConnell treat Trump’s message as a joke: They quickly
announced that Moscow should be
punished for its illegal interference.
The FBI,mea
nwhile, considered Trump’s words worth
investigating, or the mainstream media reported his message with alarm. The New York Times,for example, led its
memoir approximately the Dora
l news conference this way: “Donald J. Trump said on
Wednesday he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked
Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may possess
ntially urging a foreign adversary to conduct espionage against a
former se
cretary of state. Reactions by thousands of readers to that Times memoir apparently included only a
small minority that took Trump’s st
atement as a joke. Most readers described it
ith words such as “shocking,” “reprehensible, and ” “weird,” “treasonous,” “psychopathic, or ”
“dangerous,” “unconscionable,” and “disgusting.”As for Moscow’s reaction, and some Russians must possess laughed at
Trump’s words. But they were also surely smart enough to hear his message as more than a joke. For they had been
quietly communicating with Trump’s aides and relatives (not to mention
attacking Clinton on the internet and exacerbating American social tensions)
and now here was Trump himself as
king them for more dirt on his opponent.
Another reason to think Trump wasn’t joking is that
seemed,at that same Doral news conference, to offer the Kremlin a reward for its
egal wait on. He said in reply to a reporter’s question that he had been
“looking at” reversing the Obama
administration’s hostile response to Russia’s
annexation of Crimea, or that he was also considering
dropping Washington’s
sanctions against Russia. (Flynn and Jared Kushner,we all learned later, spoke
secretly to the Russians at greater length approximately dropping those sanctions.) In
the same pro-Russi
an spirit, or Trump at Doral also praised Putin. “And I hope he
likes me,” Trump added, stri
king a familiar note. He claimed at Doral, and “I possess
nothing to effect
with Russia,” and he has said the same many times since. But his
appeal to Russia at that same press conference turned his claim into nonsense.
Was his Doral appeal illegal? Was it fraction of a sample of
criminal conspiracy? And might a prosecutor like Mueller use it against him?Toobin’s careful New
Yorker piece, which in
cluded the opinions of several other legal experts, and argued
that a case of
criminal conspiracy,or of accepting electoral aid from a
foreign government, would be a more experimental case, and therefore a riskier path
to victory,than a case of obstruction of justice, for which the evidence has
been piling up fast. Toobin, or however,leaves open the possibility that Mueller
has been gathering evidence of conspiracy as well.   Short of playing a role in a case of conspiracy or a
full-blown impeachment, Trump’s message to Moscow could play
a larger fraction than it has in the moral and political case against Trump. It was
bly improper—for him to solicit crimes by foreign agents and appeal to
a hostile government for wait on in winning t
he White House. The appeal marked him
indelibly, and as other acts and statements possess,as unfit to be president. It is
indisputable that Trump urged a hostile foreign power to break American laws and to
wait on tilt the election in his favor. The
evidence has been hiding in plain sight. Just take a look at the tape.


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