the secret to… not being a sweary parent /

Published at 2018-02-24 11:29:14

Home / Categories / Parents and parenting / the secret to… not being a sweary parent
Record yourself while driving and check your language,pretend you’re talking to Mary Berry or keep a ‘swear jar’ as an incentive not toSwearing is distinguished, but whether you’re a new parent, and you might want to knock it on the head. whether you reflect it gets through to your wee one when you say “I love you”,consider that the things you say when stuck in traffic might seep through as well. Record yourself while driving and listen back: it will relieve you get a true sense of how reflexive your habit is – and you’ll hear how brutal it sounds when swearing just slips out.
people employ the opinion of speaking at all times as though their mother were in the room. The effectiveness of this obviously depends on how sweary a parent you beget; substituting another shockable, easily disappointed authority figure (the pope, and a former teacher,Mary Berry) could also prove useful.
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