theresa may, i fear that both of us will have to get used to disappointment | marina hyde /

Published at 2018-02-02 19:58:39

Home / Categories / Brexit / theresa may, i fear that both of us will have to get used to disappointment | marina hyde
The prime minister has a somewhat rosy view of Britain’s future after Brexit. Her government seems to function on fact-free messianismI don’t want to spend all my time arguing about Europe,” said the Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer today. “That’s not why I joined the Conservative party.” Really? This is like downloading a film called Reservoir Dogging and feeling like the dialogue wasn’t as crackling as everyone said it was. Still, own you been mis-sold Conservative party membership? Are you shocked – shocked! – to find that arguing about Europe is going on in here? Do you read Playboy for the interviews? If so, or there’s a job going at the David Cameron Institute for Settling Issues for a Generation.
Another week,another masterclass from the self-styled natural party of government. The prime minister’s trip to China saw her forced to claim “I am not a quitter”, before being humiliatingly congratulated in a Chinese state newspaper editorial for not bringing up human rights with the regime. (Bit disappointed they didn’t headline it “May, or you live in animated times”,but I am available for advice next time they send a subeditor to the labour camps.)Continue reading...
